ICRA 2014 Workshop on Soft and Stiffness-controllable Robots for MIS

This workshop aims to bring together medical experts active in the field of minimally invasive surgery and roboticists creating and studying soft and stiffness controllable robot devices. We will explore the synergies that will arise from robotic surgeons cooperating with such modern robots to conduct advanced surgical interventions previously not possible.

This ICRA 2014 workshop will provide a review of current technology used in robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery and explore the current paradigm shift from traditionally rigid surgical tools to robotic systems that are highly redundant, soft and possibly capable of changing their structural stiffness to adapt to surgical needs.

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The workshop will explore the advantages of these new robotic concepts and the challenges that lie ahead to create functional robot systems that can be employed in the operating theatre of the future.

Round table discussions will focus on obstacles and challenges and the future direction of robotic surgery. The workshop will also act as a platform for wider discussions and encourage multidisciplinary collaboration between engineers and surgeons.

More information is available here.