
FourByThree responds to this challenge by creating a new generation of robotic solutions, which use innovative hardware and software and present four main characteristics: modularity, safety, usability and efficiency.

FourByThree revolves around four main characteristics (modularity, safety, usability and efficiency) and three main actors (humans, robots, and the environment).

Technological objectives:

  1. Modularity: To provide to system integrators a complete kit of hardware and software tools for the development of custom robotic solutions
  2. Safety: To define safety strategies and low cost mechanisms that when integrated in the robot control and programming architecture allow intrinsically safe behaviour of the robot in the presence of and/or collaboration with humans
  3. Usability: To provide a set of multimodal interaction mechanisms that facilitate the programming and control of robots
  4. Efficiency: To create efficient robots that are reliable maintainable and intrinsically safe
  5. To create an open control architecture allowing the interaction of custom algorithms and additional functionalities provided by 3rd parties
  6. To define guidelines for:
    1. Production layout design that facilitate the collaboration between human and robot
    2. To redefine the Design for Assembly principles for a human-robot communication
  7. To provide low-cost but reliable tools to monitor humans and other elements around robots, to facilitate the interaction, task completion and operational safety

Industrial objectives:

  1. To create a technological and industrial supply and business model by means of which systems integrators can create custom solutions for robotic applications, in particular for those cases where human-robot safe collaboration is needed
  2. To promote the concept of human robot collaboration among the general public and industry stakeholders

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 637095.

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