Big day for ThrishLab, EPSRC just confirmed that Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara’s research grant proposal will be funded to lead a major UK based research consortium!

MOTION – Morphological Computation of Perception and Action Partners: King’s College London (lead organization), Cambridge University, Imperial College London, University of Surrey, Shadow Robotics Company, Rethink Robotics, Southern Scientific Ltd. Duration: 3 years (July 2016 – July 2019) Funding Body: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK Amount: £1.2 million Motivation: The recent Ebola…

STIFF-FLOP in the News

Taking inspiration from the realm of soft-bodied animals, a European-wide team of engineers, biologists and surgeons coordinated by roboticists at King’s College London have made new ground in the framework of EU project STIFF-FLOP (STIFFness controllable Flexible and Learnable manipulator for surgical OPerations) creating soft and stiffness-controllable robotic devices specifically for minimally-invasive surgery. Here, a…

RoboSoft Newsletter with latest news from King’s CoRe

RoboSoft is a Coordination Action for Soft Robotics funded by the European Commission under the Future and Emerging Technologies – FET- Open Scheme (FP7-ICT-2013-C project # 619319). The March 2015 newsletter which also contains latest progress of the CoRe’s inflatable manipulator can be found here. Cela peut donc avoir des conséquences sur la véritable action du…

Impressions of the SCHUNK Expert Days 2014: Robots with Impact

In collaboration with SCHUNK, STIFF-FLOP showed a demonstration of their current state-of-the-art during the Expert Days 2014 in Hausen. This event is the world’s leading symposium for applied service robotics attended by more than 100 experts from all over the world, 18 international top-class speakers and 17 representatives of the international trade press this year.…

The 2015 Innovative Surgical Robotics Forum – 18 March 2015

This event is for any healthcare professional, academic or company interested in discussing the challenges, current barriers and ways to move forward in the arena of surgical robots. The global market for medical robotics and computer-assisted surgical (MRCAS) equipment was worth nearly $2.7 billion in 2013. The market is projected to approach $3.3 billion in…

ICRA 2014 Workshop on Soft and Stiffness-controllable Robots for MIS

This workshop aims to bring together medical experts active in the field of minimally invasive surgery and roboticists creating and studying soft and stiffness controllable robot devices. We will explore the synergies that will arise from robotic surgeons cooperating with such modern robots to conduct advanced surgical interventions previously not possible. This ICRA 2014 workshop…

9 CoRe Papers and 1 CoRe Workshop accepted at ICRA 2014

9 papers by members of the Centre for Robotics Research (CoRe) and 1 full-day workshop on “Soft and stiffness-controllable robots for minimally invasive surgery” have been accepted at the top robotics conference: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014). In June 2014, this conference will be held in Hong Kong. Please see below the…

Huge Media Interest: Why octopus arms don’t stick together?

“Octopus arms have a built-in mechanism that prevents the suckers from grabbing octopus skin,” says Guy Levy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), the lead author of the work, which appears today in Current Biology. Their article has received a huge interest from the media such as Nature, The Guardian, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, IBT, The Scientist, National…