Big day for ThrishLab, EPSRC just confirmed that Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara’s research grant proposal will be funded to lead a major UK based research consortium!

MOTION – Morphological Computation of Perception and Action Partners: King’s College London (lead organization), Cambridge University, Imperial College London, University of Surrey, Shadow Robotics Company, Rethink Robotics, Southern Scientific Ltd. Duration: 3 years (July 2016 – July 2019) Funding Body: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK Amount: £1.2 million Motivation: The recent Ebola…

Sir Bobby Charlton awards funding to CoRe

Researchers from the Department of Informatics have been awarded £321k by the Find a Better Way foundation to investigate radiofrequency-based sensor detection of landmines. They received the award from Sir Bobby Charlton. If you are not redirected automatically, follow the link.

€7.35 million to develop first generation stiffness controllable robotic instruments for heart and cancer surgery

Octopuses and robots will lead to new ways for surgeons to safely and effectively intervene in cancers, prostate and heart conditions. The Centre for Robotics Research in the Department of Informatics at King’s College London leads a consortium of European scientists and medical doctors aiming to create soft, flexible robotic tools to improve “keyhole” or…