Professor Althoefer presents overview of octopus inspired robotic arm to members of European and UK Parliaments

During the meeting “EU support for King’s Research”, organised by Professor of Oral Immunology at King’s Charles Kelly, Professor Kaspar Althoefer (Centre for Robotics Research (CoRe), Department of Informatics) presented research currently conducted at King’s as part of EU-funded project STIFF-FLOP to Baroness Sarah Ludford (MEP for London), Simon Hughes (MP for Bermondsey and Old Southwark) and Councillor Anood Al-Samerai (Leader of the Liberal Democrat Councillors on Southwark Council). The project aims to develop soft, flexible robotic tools to improve minimally invasive surgery. The overall goal is to create robotic, octopus-inspired technology that will enable doctors to carry out a far greater range of minimally invasive surgical procedures than previously possible.

The MPs and MEPs visited King’s to highlight the funding provided by the European Union for research at King’s and other UK universities. In addition to Professor Althoefer’s presentation, Professor Kelly presented research progress as part of the two EU projects, CHAARM and MOTIF, while Professor in Human Transplant Immunobiology at King’s Giovanna Lombardi presented the EU project ONE STUDY. The parliamentarians were impressed by the presented work and the progress made. It was noted that the UK is one of the strongest contenders in acquiring EU research funding.

For further information, contact Professor Althoefer.