Join London Robotics Network

For humans interested and involved in robots and robotics.

The London Robotics Network is an open network of people around London interested in robotics. We organise meetings, events and networking for the London robotics community.

Our vision is to bring together all of London’s robotics community to exchange ideas, find opportunities, mentor and support one another and enjoy ourselves building robots and doing robotics.

London is filled with creative minds working in robotics, which is one of our generation’s disruptive technologies. The fusion of cheap computers, low-cost prototyping, and widespread sensing has made this a boom time for robotics, and it is time that we, the roboticists of London, had a meeting place to gather and discuss our successes, our discoveries, our challenges and the burning plastic smell of our failures. The London Robotics Network is this space.
The founders come from industry, academia, and government, and represent a diverse range of robotics interests – from hardware engineering through to bio-inspired dragonfly robots. We welcome membership (free of charge to individuals) from all backgrounds and interests – to join, please register on our _connect forum, and express your interests in a post.

The LRN is open to everyone interested in robotics and robot-like things. We want to avoid specialisation and try to bring together people from different communities. We’re about the people, not their organisations, and we’re as interdisciplinary as possible.
The Network will meet from time to time, both informally and formally, as the members see fit – please make your preferences known. Our first proposed meeting is a Plenary session at Imperial College on the 30th of September, where several of our founders will speak briefly of interesting robots they have developed and invite an open discussion on how to develop the Network.