Workshop on Smart Textiles and Robotics (STAR)

DESCRIPTION REGISTER While recent years have seen an increase in research on and advances in robotics and its different applications within the medical, industrial and service sections among others, there has been a similar trend in research on the use of textile as a means of sensing, communication and interfacing – leading to the…

Soft Robots at King’s CoRe

The Centre for Robotics Research (CoRe) at King’s College London is developing technology for “soft robots”. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Taking inspiration from the natural world, these robots have soft exteriors that make them safer and more adept for collaboration with humans. Al Jazeera visited King’s CoRe to report on the latest developments…

King’s Robot Receptionist Design Competition

The Department of Informatics, King’s College London, is running a competition to design the face of Kinba – the new King’s College London robotic receptionist in the Strand Campus, who will succeed the legendary, cheeky chatty robot receptionist Inkha. Inkha has been faithfully attending the Strand Campus reception for more than 10 years now, and…

#AskRobotics with Matthew Howard

From cyborg assassins to driverless cars, robots continue to capture the public’s imagination, inspiring apprehension and wonder in equal measure. Will the rise of machines threaten the human race? Are they truly capable of emotional intelligence? Will they put us all out of work? And more importantly, can they do the washing up? Dr Matthew…