King’s College London featured on BBC TWO Newsnight

In a piece on how killer robots may affect the future of military warfare, BBC 2 reports on how robotics is used today and how they may develop into weapons. The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva is debating on the ethical use of “killer robots,” with UN rapporteur Christof Heyns calling for a halt…

“Robots can be a mirror on which humanity can be reflected, one day.” – Thrish interviewed by Sky News

[youtube=] In a report discussing the increasing presence of robots in our daily lives, Sky News interviewed Dr. Thrishantha Nanayakkara on his views of how robots can be perceived. “Machines are machines, and humans are humans. Is there not a line that we simply shouldn’t be crossing there?” Sky asks. To which Thrish replied, “Actually,…

Rich Walker (Shadow) on SPIEGEL TV

Rich Walker (Shadow Robot Company) has been working with the Centre for Robotics Research (CoRe) in many projects (e.g. HANDLE, STIFF-FLOP). He was interviewed by the German news magazine SPIEGEL TV on the Shadow Hand. [youtube=]