Tianchen is a PhD student in the department of engineering at king’s college London under the supervisor of Dr. Matthew Howard and Dr. Irene Di Giulio .
He received master’s degree in Robotics from King’s College London. During his master study, he focused on ‘pressure mapping device by electrical impedance tomography’, and he investigated several methods of modifying the sensitivity characteristics through the layering and specifications of the textile sheets. After that, he worked as research assistance at Aidi research institute where he focused on collecting and processing EEG signal.
Research Project
The aim of this project is to design and develop new, affordable, wearable sensing technologies that can be embedded into clothing to measure and analyse everyday wearer movement and behaviour, including their interaction with the environment and physiological state. Its central theme revolves around (i) building sensors out of textiles such that they can be unobtrusively incorporated into everyday items of clothing, and (ii) developing advanced machine learning techniques for processing data from these sensors to put it into use in diverse applications. The project will bring together data- science and textile engineering with a view to biomechanical movement analysis with outcomes anticipated to have diverse applications, including new interfaces for future human-robot interaction, including robotic programming by demonstration and human movement understanding for designing robotic controllers. It is also expected to have immediate applications in, for example, healthcare (e.g., neuromuscular rehabilitation, prosthetic and orthotic interventions), digital media (e.g., immersive interaction with video games) and informing policy in the workplace (e.g., identifying best practice in working ergonomics).
Research Interests
- textile-based wearable sensing technology for medical applications
- machine learning for wearable devices
Funding Award
- King’s-China Scholarship Council PhD Scholarship (K-CSC)
Research Publications
- Shen, T., Di Giulio, I. and Howard, M., 2024, Nov. Human Movement Prediction withWearable Sensors on Loose Clothing. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots. IEEE.
- Shen, T.; Di Giulio, I.; Howard, M. A Probabilistic Model of Human Activity Recognition with Loose Clothing. Sensors 2023, 23, 4669. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23104669
- Shen, T., Di Giulio, I. and Howard, M., 2023, May. A Probabilistic Model of Activity Recognition with Loose Clothing. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 12659-12664). IEEE.
- Shen, T.; Pitou, S.; Eguchi, R.; Howard, M. Identification of Design Parameters for a Spacer Fabric Pressure Mapping Sensor. Proceedings 2021, 68, 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/ proceedings2021068015
Department of Engineering
Strand Campus
King's College London, Strand,
London, WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom
Email: Tianchen[dot]Shen@kcl.ac.uk