PMAPS 2022 Project final workshop
15/06/2022, Grazia Todeschini
A project workshop was hosted at PMAPS (Probabilistic methods applied to power systems) 2022 on June 15. The title was ‘Power quality assessment for networks with high penetration of renewable energy sources’.
The panel was chaired by Dr Grazia Todeschini, while the list of speakers and their presentation titles are provided below:
- Dr Zhida Deng, Research Associate, King’s College London, Harmonic models of inverter-based devices for power quality assessments’.
- Dr Leong Kah Koo, Senior Engineer, National Grid and Visiting Professor, King’s College London, ‘Power quality harmonic requirements for the GB transmission grid’.
- Dr Elisabetta Lavopa, Team Leader, GE Grid Solutions : ‘Harmonic interactions in HVDC-connected renewable generation systems: present and future challenges’.
- Mr Ioannis Mexis, PhD student, Swansea University: ‘Deployment of single-phase BESS inverters for voltage unbalance mitigation in distribution systems with high penetration of low-carbon technologies’.
- Dr Alvaro Furlani Bastos, R&D Electrical Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories: ‘Accurate characterization of voltage sags and swells: Identification of point-on-wave inception and recovery instants’.
The panel discussed a variety of power quality challenges related to inverter-based devices, including harmonics, voltage unbalance and voltage sags. At the same time, approaches currently adopted to ensure that grid power quality is maintained were presented, together with new methodologies to detect power quality disturbances. Applications of probabilistic methods vs deterministic studies were presented too. Different perspectives were provided, from industry, academia and research institutions.
The questions from the audience dealt with the details of the modelling approaches, the use of measurements to validate existing models and potential use of inverter-based devices to improve voltage regulation.

The presentations can be accessed at the conference website following this link (panel W4A):