CCL Library  1.0
Macros | Functions
ccl_learn_lambda.h File Reference

CCL header file for learning state dependent constraint with known jacobian. More...

#include <../include/ccl_math.h>
#include <../include/ccl_learn_alpha.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_blas.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_sf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NUM_CONSTRAINT   2


void Jacobian (const double *X, const int size, double *out)
 Computation routine for calculating jacobian for the robot inverse kinematic. More...
int ccl_learn_lambda_model_alloc (LEARN_A_MODEL *model)
 Allocates the memory for the learn_lambda model. More...
int ccl_learn_lambda_model_free (LEARN_A_MODEL *model)
 Free the memory for the learn_lambda model. More...
void ccl_learn_lambda (const double *Un, const double *X, void(*J_func)(const double *, const int, double *), const int dim_b, const int dim_r, const int dim_n, const int dim_x, const int dim_u, LEARN_A_MODEL optimal)
 Main computation routine for learning state dependent constraint lambda. More...
void predict_proj_lambda (double *x, LEARN_A_MODEL model, void(*J_func)(const double *, const int, double *), double *centres, double variance, double *Iu, double *A)
 Computation routine for prediction of the lambda matrix. More...
int ccl_write_learn_lambda_model (char *filename, LEARN_A_MODEL *model)
 Write model parameters to .txt file. More...

Detailed Description

CCL header file for learning state dependent constraint with known jacobian.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NUM_CONSTRAINT   2

NUM_CONSTRAINT is the default full rank of the task constraint

Function Documentation

void ccl_learn_lambda ( const double *  Un,
const double *  X,
void(*)(const double *, const int, double *)  J_func,
const int  dim_b,
const int  dim_r,
const int  dim_n,
const int  dim_x,
const int  dim_u,
LEARN_A_MODEL  optimal 

Main computation routine for learning state dependent constraint lambda.

[in]UnObserved actions, Must point to an array of dim_u * dim_n of doubles
[in]X Observed state variables, Must point to an array of dim_x * dim_n of doubles
[in]J_func Functor for calculating the jacobian matrix
[in]dim_b Number of basis functions
[in]dim_r Dimensionality of the task space
[in]dim_n NUmber of data points
[in]dim_x Dimensionality of the state variables
[in]dim_u Dimensionality of the action space
[out]optimal model paramters
int ccl_learn_lambda_model_alloc ( LEARN_A_MODEL model)

Allocates the memory for the learn_lambda model.

[in]modelMust point to a valid LEARN_A_MODEL structure
  • 1 in case of succes
  • 0 in case of failure (e.g. memory could not be allocated)
int ccl_learn_lambda_model_free ( LEARN_A_MODEL model)

Free the memory for the learn_lambda model.

[in]modelMust point to a valid LEARN_A_MODEL structure
  • 1 in case of succes
  • 0 in case of failure (e.g. memory could not be freed)
int ccl_write_learn_lambda_model ( char *  filename,

Write model parameters to .txt file.

[in]filenameFile name
[in]modelMust be pointer to a valid LEARN_A_MODEL structure
void Jacobian ( const double *  X,
const int  size,
double *  out 

Computation routine for calculating jacobian for the robot inverse kinematic.

[in]XObserved state variables, Must point to an array of dim_x * 1 of doubles
[in]size Number of links (Todo)
[out]out Jacobian matrix, must point to an array of 2 * 3 doubles (3 links arm)
void predict_proj_lambda ( double *  x,
void(*)(const double *, const int, double *)  J_func,
double *  centres,
double  variance,
double *  Iu,
double *  A 

Computation routine for prediction of the lambda matrix.

[in]xInput state variable, must point to an array of dim_x doubles
[in]model Must be pointer to a valid LEARN_A_MODEL structure
[in]J_func Functor for calculating the jacobian matrix
[in]centres Rbf centers, must point to an array of 1 * dim_b doubles.
[in]variance Variance of the rbf
[in]Iu Identity matrix, must point to an array of dim_u * dim_u doubles
[out]A Constraint lambda matrix, must point to an array of dim_k * dum_u doubles