Maximising Efficiency of Resource Usage Under Uncertainty in AI Planning (A. J. Coles)
Tuesday, 20 April 2010EPSRC Post-Doctoral Fellowship EP/H029001/1,2 (£203,745)
This project is concerned with making the most of available resources given limited availability and uncertainty about consumption. The project considers planning problems with 'preferences': soft constraints that are desirable in a solution, but not essential. These preferences are each weighted according to their importance; the task is then to find the best quality plan according to the relative importance of preferences, whilst also achieving any hard constraints. Later work in the project considers solving these problems in the presence of uncertainty about how much resource each activity will consume. This introduces a challenging trade-off between adherence to safety constraints giving certainty in plan completion, and making the maximum use of resources in order to achieve the best possible combination of preferences.
Automated Modelling and Reformulation in Planning (M. Fox, D. Long, T. Illes, A. J. Coles)
Monday, 01 December 2008EPSRC Project EP/G023360/1 (£335,650)
This project explores how to represent and model planning problems.
Using Meta-Level Search for Efficient Optimal Planning (Fox, Long)
Tuesday, 01 January 2008EPSRC Project EP/F022883/1 (£324,412)
Planning in Mixed Discrete-Continuous Domains (Fox, Bell, Long, McArthur)
Friday, 01 September 2006EPSRC Project EP/D062721/1 (£490,025)
Evolving and Generalising Very High Quality Control Knowledge for AI Planning (Levine, Fox, Long)
Thursday, 01 June 2006EPSRC Project EP/D062764/1 (£399,105)
Symmetry-Breaking in Planning (Long, Fox)
Friday, 10 October 2003EPSRC Project GR/S11015/01 (£153,494)
PLANFORM: An Open Environment for Building Planners (Fox, Long)
Monday, 01 July 2002EPSRC Project GR/M70568/01 (£95,273)
A Modelling Language and Development Tools for Temporal Planning (Long, Fox)
Monday, 01 July 2002EPSRC Project GR/R89325/01 (£217,157)