Planning at KCL
Welcome to the website of planning research group in the Department of Informatics at King's College London.
Planning Research at King's is focussed around domain-independent planning. Planning is an active research area within the broader field of Artificial Intelligence, and has strong links with scheduling and optimisation research. The primary problem is the identification of sequences of actions which will achieve specified goals from specified initial conditions. Domain-independent planning, which is concerned with the fundamental principles of planning as an activity, typically concentrating on search techniques, search control techniques and the representation and treatment, within a planning problem, of uncertainty, non-determinism, resources, time, functional interdependence and other issues. Planning has been successfully applied to a range of fielded industrial applications and we actively seek new industrial problems to which planning could be applied.
As an introduction to our work, we have a range of video tutorials available, which we are adding to over time. We also have videos of technical talks on our work, from conferences and workshops.
The planning group meets weekly. The meetings are usually a lively discussion of current work within and outside the group. Visitors are welcome and we are glad to host seminars and other meetings.
We are (and have been) involved in a variety of external events and activities.