July 2019: Co-chair of the 4th International Student Conference on Mathematical Foundations in Bioinformatics, MatBio 2019.
March 2019: Teaching assistant at the COST CHARME Training School in Athens.
September 2018: Presented CNEFinder at the 17th European Conference On Computational Biology (ECCB) in Athens.
August 2018: Member of the organising committee for the 3rd International Student Conference on Mathematical Foundations in Bioinformatics, MatBio 2018.
February 2018: Co-chairing the 26th London Stringology Days & London Algorithmic Workshop, LSD & LAW 2018.
September 2017: Member of the organising committee for the 2nd International Student Conference on Mathematical Foundations in Bioinformatics, MatBio 2017.
June 2017: Member of the organising committee for the 16th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, SEA 2017.
February 2017: Presented MARS at the Datastructures in Bioinformatics (DSB) workshop in Amsterdam.
February 2017: Member of the organising committee for the 25th London Stringology Days & London Algorithmic Workshop, LSD & LAW 2017.
July 2016: Member of the organising committee for the 1st International Student Conference on Mathematical Foundations in Bioinformatics, MatBio 2016.