Quantum Mechanics III - Epiphany term 2009, Durham University
Thursdays 11:00, CG218 and Mondays 17:15, CG218
Home page of Dr. Benjamin Doyon
Lecture notes
(Prof. W.J. Zakrzewski)
Set of problems
(form previous years)
Overview of some basic concepts of quantum mechanics
Strongly suggested book:
Quantum Mechanics I
, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Franck Laloë.
Another good book is:
Quantum mechanics and the particles of nature: an outline for mathematicians
, Anthony Sudbery.
Problem classes
: Tuesday 10 February 16:15 CG83; Friday 27 February 13:15 CG60; Friday 20 March 13:15 CG60
Homerwork 1 - due 9 February 2009. With sotlutions
Homerwork 2 - due 27 February 2009. With solutions
Homerwork 3 - due 12 March 2009. With solutions
Homerwork 4 - due 20 March 2009: problem 10 of exam 2006