Minimal weights of Hilbert modular forms in characteristic p . (joint with F. Diamond) Compositio
Mathematica Volume 153, Issue 9, 2017, pp. 1769-1778 pdf
Modularity lifting results in parallel weight one and
applications to the Artin conjecture: the tamely ramified case
(with S. Sasaki, Y. Tian) Forum
of Mathematics, Sigma. (2014), Vol. 2, e. 18, 58 pages.
Companion forms in parallel weight one. (joint with T.
Gee) Compositio
Mathematica. Volume 149, Issue 06, June (2013), pp 903-
913. pdf
Modularity lifting in parallel weight one.
J. Amer. Math. Soc. (JAMS) 26 (2013), no. 1, 199--225.
The Artin Conjecture via p-adic Hilbert modular
Proceedings of the conference in honor of the 70th birthday of
Prof. Shahshahani (Dec 2012) pdf
Canonical Subgroups Over Hilbert Modular Varieties.
(joint with E. Goren) J.
Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle) 670, 1-63 (2012)
Sous-groupes canoniques sur les variétés modulaires de
Hilbert. (Joint with E. Goren)
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 347 (2009).
Overconvergence and classicality: the case of curves.
J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle) 631 (2009), 109--139