SPIRE 2015 and associated workshops will be held at King's College London's Strand Campus, located right in the heart of London, five minutes walk from Trafalgar Square.
All conference sessions will be held in the Great Hall (ground floor, King's Building), Strand Campus (Strand, London WC2R 2LS). The StringMasters Workshop will be held in Room K2.41 (2nd floor, King's Building), Strand Campus. The 2015 Workshop on Compression, Text and Algorithms (WCTA) will be held in Room K6.63 (6th floor, King's Building), Strand Campus. The nearest tube (metro) station to get to Strand campus is Temple. Other nearby stations are Covent Garden, Charing Cross, and Embankment. (See also London Underground website and Google map of the area).
Monday 31st August is a "Bank Holiday" in England, with public transport and shops working as on Sundays.
Map of the Strand Campus

Map of King's Building, Ground Floor

Map of King's Building, 2nd Floor

Map of King's Building, 6th Floor