Accepted Papers
Faster Exact Search using Document Clustering
Fast Online Lempel-Ziv Factorization in Compressed Space
Adaptive Computation of the Swap-Insert Correction Distance
Transforming XML Streams with References
Efficient Term Set Prediction Using the Bell-Wigner Inequality
On Prefix/Suffix-Square Free Words
Temporal Analysis of CHAVE Collection
DeShaTo: Describing the Shape of Cumulative Topic Distributions to Rank Retrieval Systems without Relevance Judgments
Induced Sorting Suffixes in External Memory with Better Design and Less Space
Efficient Algorithms for Longest Closed Factor Array (Short Paper)
A Compact RDF Store using Suffix Arrays
Chaining fragments in sequences: to sweep or not
A faster algorithm for computing maximal \alpha-gapped repeats in a string
Selective Labeling and Incomplete Label Mitigation for Low Cost Evaluation
Relative Select (short paper)
Temporal Query Classification at Different Granularities
Prefix and Suffix Reversals on Strings
Filtration Algorithms for Approximate Order-Preserving Matching
Fishing in Read Collections: Memory Efficient Indexing for Sequence Assembly
How Big is That Genome? Estimating Genome Size and Coverage from k-mer Abundance Spectra
Assessing the Efficiency of Suffix Stripping Approaches for Portuguese Stemming
Space-efficient detection of unusual words
Parallel Construction of Succinct Representations of Suffix Tree Topologies
Computing the Longest Unbordered Substring
Online Self-Indexed Grammar Compression
Tight Bound for the Number of Distinct Palindromes in a Tree (Short Paper)
Beyond the Runs Theorem
Sampling the suffix array with minimizers
Longest Common Prefix with Mismatches
Evaluating Geographical Knowledge Re-Ranking, Linguistic Processing and Query Expansion techniques for Geographical Information Retrieval
Improved Practical Compact Dynamic Tries
ShRkC: Shard Rank Cutoff Prediction for Selective Search
Range LCP Queries Revisited
Feasability of Word Difficulty Prediction