We develop approaches and tools to investigate and elucidate peculiar new phenomena that arise from complex many-body effects in materials and molecules. Those phenomena arise in complex experiments, such as near zero temperature for superconductivity, or are part of our every day life, such as the binding of myoglobin to oxygen.
Group Member List
- Cedric Weber
Lecturer, Group leader
- Christopher Rhodes
Senior Scientist
- Dr Evgeny Plekhanov
Senior Research Associate
- Dr Cono Di Paola
Senior Research Associate
- Evan Sheridan
PhD Student
KCL - Carla Lupo
PhD Student
KCL - Mohamed Ali Al-badri
PhD Student
LIDO - Debalina Banerjee
PhD Student
KCL - Hovan Lee
PhD Student
Past members
Ongoing Projects
In our group, we focus at the moment on the following running projects:

A new efficient Quantum Monte Carlo solver for DMFT (C. Rhodes)
We are working at developping new Quantum Monte Carlo based approaches to solve the Hubbard or Anderson impurity models.
Self assembly of Kondo lattices (D. Blackbourn)
We develop efficient strategies to describe the self-assembly of atomic ordered structure of heavy elements on metallic surfaces.
Topological insulators (E. Plekhanov)
Topological insulators have attracted a widespread interest recently, due to their promising properties. We investigate the role of disorder in these systems.
DMFT and the equation of state (E. Sheridan)
We develop a new approach to compute the equation of state of correlated materials. In particular, we apply our method to the volume collapse of cerium.
Tailoring the magnetic relaxation of correlated nano-particles for medical imaging applications (C. Lupo)
We investigate the role of many body effects in iron oxide nanoparticles, with the aim of tailoring their properties for medical imaging applications.