Two-dimensional quantum field theory:
integrability and other concepts
page of Dr. Benjamin Doyon
This is a series of lectures
on two-dimensional quantum field theory in the Michaelmas term of 2009
University), see the list
of graduate lectures. Quantum field theory is one of the most
successful theories of modern theoretical physics. Its roots lie in two
seemingly very different subjects: the quantum mechanics of
relativistic particles, and the statistical physics of critical
many-body systems. It has nowadays applications to the study of
many-body problems in general and of the fundamental particles of
physics, and it is an essential tool in string theory. But quantum
field theory is much more than these applications. The unifying concept
behind it is that of collective phenomena: quantum field theory
describes what happens when "local" objects in interaction with each
other start acting "together", giving rise to new behaviours. These
behaviours are the source of the most interesting phenomena of modern
physics, including, for instance, the fundamental particles of
high-energy physics.
In these lectures I will introduce, in the context of two-dimensional
quantum field theory, a range of concepts at the basis of its
mathematical structure. I will start with many fundamental concepts
that are valid generally in two dimensions, and some also in higher
dimensions. The restriction to two dimensions is useful as it avoids
the sometimes heavy higher-dimensional notations and complexities. I
will then introduce the notion of integrability. There are many aspects to
integrable quantum field theory. I will focus mainly on what
is called factorised scattering
theory, which is applicable when there is a scale in the model, more precisely
for quantum models of massive
relativistic particles. Integrability offers the unique
opportunity to probe the properties
of quantum field theory, both as a theory of relativistic particles and
as a scaling limit of quantum chains and classical lattice systems, in
a much deeper way than what can be done from standard methods.
I will aim my lectures at graduate
students and advanced undergraduates. The course is intended to be an
introduction to both quantum field theory, and integrability in this
context. As an introduction to quantum field theory, it complements and
does not replace standard courses, since the emphasis will be on the
general structure and non-perturbative aspects.
I will assume knowledge of:
- Quantum
- Special
- Complex
There will be 8 one-hour lectures.
Lectures are in OC218 (Ogden Centre), Tuesdays at 14:15 and Thursdays
at 16:15:
- 24
February, 14:15 - 15:15
- 26
February, 16:15 - 17:15
- 3
March, 14:15
- 15:15
- 5
March, 16:15
- 17:15
- 10
March, 14:15
- 15:15
- 12
March, 16:15
- 17:15
- 17
March, 14:15
- 15:15
- 19
March, 16:15
- 17:15
Approximate plan (unfortunately not all topics have been covered, and
but some topics have been discussed more extensively than previously
- Introduction: quantum relativistic
particles, scaling limits, collective phenomena, and QFT.
- Hilbert space: asymptotic states and scattering matrix, local operators and operator
product expansion.
- Quantisation schemes: from
fluctuating fields to Hilbert space.
- Renormalisation group flow: short
and large distance limits of
correlation functions.
- Concepts of locality: symmetries and
twist fields.
- Integrability: local
conserved charges, factorisation of the scattering matrix, analytic
properties and the Yang-Baxter equation. Exact solutions.
- Form factors: Riemann-Hilbert
problem, evaluation of correlation functions.
- Other
topics on integrability (if time permits).
notes (in progress -
written: introduction and local-density formulation)
notes (from previous
integrability course - has discussion of asymptotic states)
Here is some reading mainly on integrability in two-dimensional quantum
field theory:
- P.
Dorey, Exact S-matrices, preprint hep-th/9810026.
- F. H.
L. Essler, R. M. Konik, Applications of Massive Integrable Quantum
Field Theories to Problems in Condensed Matter Physics. I. Kogan
Volume, World Scientific, preprint cond-mat/0412421
- G.
Mussardo, Off-critical statistical models: Factorized scattering
and bootstrap program. Phys. Rep. 218 (1992) 215-379
- O. A.
Castro Alvaredo, Bootstrap methods in 1+1 dimensional quantum field
theory: the homogeneous sine-Gordon models. Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, Spain (2001) hep-th/0109212
- B. D.,
Correlation functions in integrable quantum field theory. Rutgers
University, USA (2004) .ps, .pdf
More reading
(fundamental works):
- A. B.
Zamolodchikov and Al. B. Zamolodchikov, Factorized S-matrices in
two dimensions as the exact solutions of certain relativistic quantum
theory models, Ann. Phys. 120 (1979) 253-291.
- M.
Karowski and P. Weisz, Exact form factors in (1+1)-dimensional field
theoretic models with soliton behaviour. Nucl. Phys. B139 (1978)
- F. A.
Smirnov, Form factors in completely integrable models of quantum
field theory, World Scientific, Singapore (1992).