
The workshop takes place on June 2 and 3, 2014, at King's College London, King's Building on the (Strand Campus). From the main Strand Campus Entrance (next to the Somerset House), walk past the elevators leaving them on your right, into the next building, which is the King's Building. K6.29 (Monday) is on the 6th floor, K2.31 (Tuesday) on the 2nd floor. For more directions, please see here.

Download list of abstracts here: [Abstracts for all Talks and Schedule of Short Talks]

Download map for Lunch and Dinner: [Map]

Monday, June 2, 2014

K6.29 (Anatomy Lecture Theater)
Time Speaker Title
09.00–09.30 Registration
09.30–10.30 Mark Gross (Cambridge) Mirror symmetry and cluster algebras
10.30–11.00 Coffee
11.00–12.00 Xenia de la Ossa (Oxford) The Moduli Space of N=1 Supersymmetric Heterotic String Theories
12.00–02.00 Lunch
02.00–03.00 Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield) Geometry of spaces of stability conditions
03.00–03.30 Coffee
03.30–04.30 Tudor Dimofte (IAS) 3d N=4 theories, symplectic duality, and knot homology
04.30–05.30 Short Talks I: M. Larfors, C. Lawrie, D. Tonkonog TBA
05.30–07.30 Discussions
07.30 Dinner

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

K2.31 (Nash Theater)
Time Speaker Title
09.00–10.00 Lotte Hollands (Oxford) Spectral networks, abelianization and SL(3,C) Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates
10.00–11.00 Sean Keel (UT Austin) An Intrinsic Global Positioning System for Calabi-Yau manifolds
11.00–11.30 Coffee
11.30–12.30 Joel Fine (Brussels) A gauge theoretic approach to Einstein 4-manifolds
12.30–02.00 Lunch
02.00–03.00 David Skinner (Cambridge) Quadratic Differentials and Null Geodesics
03.00–03.30 Coffee
03.30–04.30 Richard Thomas (Imperial) The Katz-Klemm-Vafa formula
04.30–05.30 Short Talks II: R. Abuaf, B. Assel, W. Schulgin TBA
05.30–07.00 Discussions