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Asymptotic independence of three statistics of maximal segmental scores

Abstract. Let $\xi_1,\xi_2,\ldots$ be an iid sequence with negative mean. The $(m,n)$-segment is the subsequence $\xi_{m+1},\ldots,\xi_n$ and its \textit{score} is given by $\max\{\sum_{m+1}^n\xi_i,0\}$. Let $R_n$ be the largest score of any segment ending at time $n$, $R^*_n$ the largest score of any segment in the sequence $\xi_{1},\ldots,\xi_n$, and $O_x$ the overshoot of the score over a level $x$ at the first epoch the score of such a size arises. We show that, under the Cram\'er assumption on $\xi_1$, asymptotic independence of the statistics $R_n$, $R_n^* -y$ and $O_{x+y}$ holds as $\min\{n,y,x\}\to\infty$. Furthermore, we establish a novel Spitzer-type identity characterising the limit law $O_\infty$ in terms of the laws of $(1,n)$-scores. As corollary we obtain: (1) a novel factorization of the exponential distribution as a convolution of $O_\infty$ and the stationary distribution of $R$; (2) if $y=\gamma^{-1}\log n$ (where $\gamma$ is the Cram\'er coefficient), our results, together with the classical theorem of Iglehart~\cite{Iglehart}, yield the existence and explicit form of the joint weak limit of $(R_n, R_n^* -y,O_{x+y})$.

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