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01.01.1970 (Thursday)

TP Radial canonical AdS_3 gravity and TTbar theory

Regular Seminar Nele Callebaut (Cologne U.)

14:00 - 14:01
KCL Strand
room: S-1.06

In this talk, I will employ an ADM deparametrization strategy to discuss the radial canonical formalism of asymptotically AdS_3 gravity. It leads to the identification of a radial 'time' before quantization, namely the volume time, which is canonically conjugate to York time. Holographically, this allows to interpret the semi-classical partition function of TTbar theory as a Schrodinger wavefunctional satisfying a Schrodinger evolution equation in volume time. The canonical perspective can be used to construct from the Hamilton-Jacobi equation the BTZ solution, and corresponding semi-classical Wheeler-DeWitt states. Based on upcoming work with Matthew J. Blacker, Blanca Hergueta and Sirui Ning.
