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regular seminar Ines Aniceto (Southampton)
at: 10:00 - 11:00 KCL, Strand room: K6.29 abstract:Keywords: | |
Conference Ines Aniceto (Southampton)
at: 10:00 - 10:01 KCL Strand room: K6.29 Anatomy Theatre abstract: | Matrix models offer non-perturbative descriptions of quantum gravity in simple settings, allowing us to study large-N dualities between gauge and string theories. However, the large-N expansions of matrix models lead to divergent series, only defined as asymptotic series. By fine-tuning the couplings of the matrix model we obtain models of pure gravity coupled to minimal conformal field theories. The free energy for the simplest of these "minimal models" is 2d gravity also admits an asymptotic expansion which formally satisfies the Painlevé I equation.
Regular Seminar Ines Varela Aniceto (University of Southampton )
at: 13:45 - 13:46 KCL Strand room: K0.20 abstract: | Dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics is expected to describe the late times, thermalised behaviour of strongly coupled fluids such as a strongly coupled super Yang-Mills plasma. These systems are then accurately described by a hydrodynamic series expansion in small gradients. Surprisingly, this hydrodynamic expansion is accurate even when the systems are still quite anisotropic: the non-hydrodynamic modes governing the non-equilibrium behaviour at very early-times become exponentially close to the hydrodynamic solution in an early process called hydrodynamization.