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01.01.1970 (Thursday)


regular seminar Evgeny Sobko (LIMS, London)

14:00 - 15:00
KCL, Strand
room: S0.12



01.01.1970 (Thursday)

TP SU(N) Principal Chiral Model at large N

Regular Seminar Evgeny Sobko (LIMS, London)

14:00 - 14:01
KCL Strand
room: S0.12

I will show how to calculate 1/N expansion of the vacuum energy of the 2D SU(N) Principal Chiral Model for a certain profile of chemical potentials. Combining this expansion with strong coupling I will identify double-scaling limit which bears striking similarities to the c = 1 non-critical string theory and suggests that the double-scaled PCM is dual to a non-critical string with a (2 + 1)-dimensional target space where an additional dimension emerges dynamically from the SU(N) Dynkin diagram. Developing this idea further, I will show how to solve large-N PCM for an arbitrary set of chemical potentials and any interaction strength, a unique result of such kind for an asymptotically free QFT. The solution matches one-loop perturbative calculation at weak coupling, and in the opposite strong-coupling regime exhibits an emergent spacial dimension from the continuum limit of the SU(N) Dynkin diagram. In the second part of my talk I will show that the calculation of the expectation value of half-BPS circular Wilson loops in N = 2 superconformal A_{n−1} quiver gauge theories trivialises in the large n limit (similarly to PCM), construct 1/n expansion, identify DS limit and solve it for any finite value of DS parameter and any profile of coupling constants.
