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01.01.1970 (Thursday)

TP Bootstrapping Strings

Regular Seminar Andrea Guerrieri (CERN)

14:00 - 14:01
KCL Strand
room: K3.11

The numerical S-matrix Bootstrap aims at establishing non-perturbative universal bounds on physical observables that can be extracted from scattering amplitudes in any dimension. In the first part of the talk, I will review our past explorations of the space of supergravity amplitudes and their connection to String/M theory. I will discuss the universal bounds on the first non-universal correction to sugra amplitudes, and how the extremal solution is compatible with clustering in the Born regime, and with the Quantum Regge growth hypothesis. In the second part of the talk I will report on a first Bootstrap exploration of multi-particle scattering. I will focus on the simplest non-integrable S-matrix describing the scattering of branons on the world-sheet of confining strings in three dimensions.
