regular seminar Mehdi Yazdi (KCL)
at: 15:30 - 16:30 KCL, Strand room: KINGS BLDG K0.19 abstract: | In his seminal 1976 paper, Bill Thurston observed that a closed leaf S of a codimension-1 foliation of a compact 3-manifold has Euler characteristic equal, up to sign, to the Euler class of the foliation evaluated on [S], the homology class represented by S. We give a converse for taut foliations: if the Euler class of a taut foliation F evaluated on [S] equals up to sign the Euler characteristic of S and the underlying manifold is hyperbolic, then there exists another taut foliation G such that S is homologous to a union of compact leaves and such that the plane field of G is homotopic to that of F. In particular, F and G have the same Euler class.