06.06.2024 (Thursday)

AN Schatten class Hankel operators on doubling Fock spaces and the Berger-Coburn phenomenon

regular seminar Ghazaleh Asghari Khonakdari (Reading)

11:00 - 12:00
KCL, Strand
room: S5.20

Using the notion of integral distance to analytic functions, we give a characterization of Schatten class Hankel operators acting on doubling Fock spaces on the complex plane and use it to show that for $f\in L^{\infty}$ if $H_{f}$ is Hilbert-Schmidt, then so is $H_{\bar{f}}$. This property is known as the Berger-Coburn phenomenon. When $0 < p \le 1$, we show that the Berger-Coburn phenomenon fails for a large class of doubling Fock spaces. Along the way, we illustrate our results for the canonical weights $|z|^{m}$ when $m > 0$.
