regular seminar Amos Chan (Lancaster University)
at: 13:30 - 14:30 KCL, Strand room: S4.23 abstract: | Quantum chaotic systems display correlation between eigenvalues as described by the random matrix theory (RMT). I will present three results on the universal aspects of many-body quantum chaos that go beyond the standard RMT paradigm. Firstly, I will present an exact scaling form of the spectral form factor (SFF) in a generic many-body quantum chaotic system, deriving the so-called "bump-ramp-plateau" behaviour. Secondly, I will introduce and provide an analytical solution of a generalization of SFF for non-Hermitian matrices, called Dissipative SFF, which displays a "ramp-plateau" behaviour with a quadratic ramp. Thirdly, I will provide evidences that non-Hermitian Ginibre ensemble behaviour surprisingly emerge in generic many-body quantum chaotic systems, due to the presence of many-body interaction. Keywords: |