08.11.2023 (Wednesday)

ME Maths education seminar: Alternative assessments of Mathematical Proof

regular seminar Robbie Bickerton (University of Edinburgh)

13:30 - 14:30
KCL, Strand
room: K0.50

The purpose of this talk is to introduce a practical method for assessing mathematical proof online. We examine the effect of faded worked examples and reading comprehension questions to student's understanding of proof. By breaking down a given proof, we will demonstrate a checklist that can be used to generate comprehension questions which can be assessed automatically online. We then provide some preliminary results of deploying such questions.
In addition, we shall examine several examples of proof comprehension questions that have been created by following this checklist. In particular, I will discuss some ongoing work related to the creation of proof comprehension tasks used to assessment of proof in a higher-level undergraduate pure mathematics courses.
