31.03.2025 (Monday)

TP Lonti: Lonti: Symmetries in quantum systems (2/4)

Regular Seminar Po-Shen Hsin (King's College London)

10:30 - 10:31
KCL Strand
room: LIMS

Symmetry plays an important role in quantum systems: it can constrain the dynamics, give rise to selection rules, and provide computation methods in quantum computers. In recent years there are also new types of symmetries called generalized symmetries discovered in many quantum systems, including non-invertible symmetry and higher group symmetry. These lectures will be about symmetries in various quantum systems and their applications such as constraints on the low energy dynamics. Examples will be discussed in the lectures include quantum mechanics systems, gauge theories, lattice models, and the symmetry includes ordinary and higher form symmetry as well non-invertible symmetry.
