13.11.2023 (Monday)

TP Lonti: The initial (boundary) value problem in numerical general relativity

Regular Seminar Pau Figueras (QMUL)

10:30 - 10:31
KCL Strand
room: LIMS

In these series of lectures we will explore initial value problem in general relativity and how it can be solved in a computer in practical situations. We will first cover the necessary mathematical foundations, including the concepts of well-posedness and strong hyperbolicity, and then explore the current formulations of Einstein’s theory of gravity that are implemented in modern numerical codes, namely generalised harmonic coordinates and the BSSN formulation. We shall see how the latter can be implemented in a toy code so as to get some hands on experience. Time permitting, we will also explore the initial boundary value problem in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spaces and how it can be solved in practice using the characteristic formulation of the Einstein equations in applications of holography.
