17.05.2023 (Wednesday)

TP Higgs Workshop: Black holes and other phases of super Yang-Mills from matrices

Conference Sameer Murthy (King's)

10:00 - 10:01
KCL Strand
room: K0.20

The superconformal index of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory on a three-sphere is captured by a unitary matrix model with purely double trace operators in the action. The AdS/CFT correspondence predicts that this index should have exponential growth at large charges and large N, corresponding to the 1/16-BPS black hole (BH) in AdS5. I will show how the matrix model gives rise to this expected BH growth as well as an infinite number of new phases. In particular, I will introduce a deformation of the matrix model which allows us to solve it at large N. The deformation has interesting relations with the Bloch-Wigner dilogarithm, a function introduced by number theorists.
I will then show how this matrix model can be expressed in terms of a system of free fermions in a certain ensemble. Integrating out the fermions and averaging over the ensemble leads to a convergent expansion as a series of determinants, showing how giant gravitons in the dual AdS5 are encoded in the gauge theory.
If you are planning to attend, please send and email to pietro.benetti_genolini@kcl.ac.uk or alan.rios_fukelman@kcl.ac.uk so your name is added to the participants list in order to grant you access to the building.
