Week 24.02.2025 – 02.03.2025

Monday (24 Feb)

TP Lonti: Exploring the IR and UV Regimes of QCD (2/4)

Regular Seminar Andrea Guerrieri (City U.)

10:30 - 10:31
KCL Strand
room: LIMS

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) has been a profound source of inspiration for theoretical physics, driving the development of key concepts such as string theory, effective field theories, instantons, anomalies, and lattice gauge theories. In these lectures, I will explore two distinct regimes of QCD - its infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) limits - and the theoretical tools used to study them.

In the IR regime, where perturbative techniques break down, Effective Field Theories (EFTs) provide a powerful framework. I will introduce the pion EFT as a tool to study non-linearly realized symmetries and soft theorems. In the UV regime, where QCD becomes amenable to perturbative analysis, I will discuss the Operator Product Expansion and renormalization group equations, focusing on their application to deep inelastic scattering, a cornerstone in the discovery of quarks and gluons.

These two regimes illustrate the richness of QCD and its pivotal role in shaping our understanding of fundamental physics.


Wednesday (26 Feb)

TP A BPS Road to Holography: Decoupling Limits and Non-Lorentzian Geometries

Regular Seminar Niels Obers (NBI)

14:00 - 14:01
KCL Strand
room: K3.11

I explore decoupling limits that lead to matrix theories on D-branes, focusing on their BPS nature and the emergence of non-Lorentzian target space geometries. In these limits, D-branes experience instantaneous gravitational forces, and when applied to curved geometries, it is shown that a single decoupling limit leads to the AdS/CFT correspondence. By applying two such limits, we generate new holographic examples, including those with non-Lorentzian bulk geometries. I also discuss the relationship between matrix theories and non-relativistic string theory, and their uplift to M-theory. Finally, we demonstrate that reversing these decoupling limits connects to the TTbar deformation in two dimensions. This provides a new perspective on the near-horizon brane geometry and leads to TTbar-like flow equations for the Dp-brane DBI action.
