Recent trends in PDE

Recent Trends in PDE

King's College London, 8-11 January 2018

K6.29 (Old Anatomy Theatre)






The Conference

This conference aims to bring together specialists as well as promising young mathematicians in the field of partial differential equations, with an emphasis on problems motivated by mathematical physics. With a goal of presenting recent progress and identifying important open problems, this event will hopefully highlight some of the beautiful mathematical developments in this field over the recent years.




Registration is free, but it is required of all participants. To register please read carefully the instructions on the Contact page . In particular, some limited funding is available to junior participants.




The conference schedule and the abstracts are now online. All talks will take place in K6.29 (The Old Anatomy Theatre) on the 6th floor of the King Building.




We acknowledge the financial support of EPSRC, ERC, and the Department of Mathematics at King's College London