
#pragma once

const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842;

// forward declarations, allows references
// to be used between the different classes
class Circle;
class PolarPoint;
class CartesianPoint;

class Circle {
    double radius;
    double area();
    double circumference();

class CartesianPoint {
    double x;
    double y;

    double distanceTo( const CartesianPoint& x ) const;
    double distanceTo( const PolarPoint& x ) const;

class PolarPoint {
    double r;
    double theta;


 *   Computes the area of a circle
double areaOfCircle(double r);

 *  Computes the circumference of a circle
double circumferenceOfCircle(double r);

 *   Converts Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. Note this
 *   changes r and theta.
PolarPoint cartesianToPolar( const CartesianPoint& );

 *  Converts polar coordinates to cartesian. Note, this changes x and y.
CartesianPoint polarToCartesian( const PolarPoint& );

 *  Computes the perimeter of a triangle
double perimeter( const CartesianPoint& p1,
                  const CartesianPoint& p2,
                  const CartesianPoint& p3 );

 *  Test suite
void testGeometry();