and other works of Dr. Benjamin Doyon
Book edition |
P. Calabrese, J. Cardy and
BD (Eds.), Entanglement entropy in extended quantum systems, J. Phys
A 42, 500301 (2009) (special
issue). |
Articles / lecture notes / proceedings published or at press
BD, Random loops and conformal field theory, J. Stat. Mech. (2014) P02015, preprint arXiv:1402.2432 (25 pages).
Olalla Castro-Alvaredo,
Yixiong Chen, BD and Marianne Hoogeveen, Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz for
non-equilibrium steady states: exact energy current and fluctuations in
integrable QFT, to appear in J. Stat. Mech., preprint arXiv:1310.4779 (57 pages). |
D. Bernard and BD, Non-equilibrium steady states in conformal field theory, to appear in Ann. Henri Poincaré (available online), preprint arXiv:1302.3125 (41 pages). |
M. Hoogeveen and D. Bernard, Energy flow and fluctuations in
non-equilibrium conformal field theory on star graphs, to appear in J. Stat. Mech, preprint arXiv:1306.3192 (25 pages). |
A. De Luca, J. Viti, D.
Bernard and BD, Non-equilibrium thermal transport in the quantum Ising
chain, Phys. Rev. B 88, 134301 (2013), preprint arXiv:1305.4984 (7 pages). |
E. Levi, O. A.
Castro-Alvaredo and BD, Universal corrections to the entanglement
entropy in gapped quantum spin chains: a numerical study, Phys. Rev. B 88, 094439 (2013), preprint arXiv:1304.6874 (5 pages). |
BD, Hypotrochoids in conformal restriction systems and Virasoro descendants, J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P09008, preprint arXiv:1209.4860 (34 pages). |
D. Bernard and BD, Time-reversal symmetry and fluctuation relations in
non-equilibrium quantum steady states, J. Phys. A 46 (2013) 372001,
preprint arXiv:1306.3900 (11 pages). Selected for inclusion in the Journal of Physics A Highlights of 2013 collection.
O. A. Castro-Alvaredo and
BD, Entanglement in permutation symmetric states, fractal dimensions,
and geometric quantum mechanics, J. Stat. Mech. (2013) P02016, preprint arXiv:1210.4486 (28 page). |
BD, Conformal loop ensembles and the stress-energy tensor, Lett. Math. Phys. 103 (2013) 233-284, preprint arXiv:1209.1560 (49 pages). |
D. Bernard and BD, Full Counting Statistics in the Resonant-Level Model, J. Math. Phys. 53, 122302 (2012), preprint arXiv:1105.1695 (31 pages).
D. Bernard and BD, Energy flow in non-equilibrium conformal field theory, J. Phys. A 45 (2012) 362001, preprint arXiv:1202.0239 (9 pages).
BD, Calculus on
manifolds of conformal maps and CFT, J. Phys. A 45 (2012) 315202, preprint arXiv:1004.0138 (53 pages). Selected for inclusion in IOPselect,
A. Castro Alvaredo and BD, Entanglement entropy of highly degenerate
states and fractal dimensions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 120401 (2012),
preprint arXiv:1103.3247 (5 pages). |
A. Castro Alvarero, BD and E. Levi, Arguments towards a c-theorem
from branch point twist fields, J. Phys. A 44 (2011) 492003, preprint arXiv:1107.4280 (13 pages).
BD and J. Silk, Correlation functions of twist fields from Ward
identities in the massive Dirac theory, J. Phys. A 44, 295402 (2011),
preprint arXiv:1103.2328 (31 pages).
O. A. Castro Alvaredo and
BD, Permutation operators, entanglement entropy, and the XXZ spin
chain in the limit $\Delta\to-1^+$, J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P02001,
preprint arXiv:1011.4706 (31 pages).
A. Castro Alvaredo and
BD, Bi-partite entanglement entropy in massive 1+1-dimensional
quantum field theories, J. Phys. A 42, 504006 (2009), in special issue
"Entanglement entropy in extended quantum systems" ed. by P. Calabrese,
J. Cardy and B. Doyon, preprint arXiv:0906.2946
(50 pages).
O. A. Castro Alvaredo and
BD, Bi-partite entanglement entropy in QFT with a boundary: the
Ising model, J. Stat. Phys. 134 105-145 (2009), preprint arXiv:0810.0219 (41 pages). |
BD, Bi-partite
entanglement entropy in massive two-dimensional quantum field theory,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 031602 (2009), preprint arXiv:0803.1999 (4 pages).
Selected for the February 2009 issue of the Virtual Journal of Quantum
O. A. Castro Alvaredo and
BD, Bi-partite entanglement entropy in integrable models with
backscattering, J. Phys. A 41, 275203 (2008), preprint arXiv:0802.4231 (22 pages).
BD and A. Gamsa,
Integral equations and long-time asymptotics for finite-temperature
Ising chain correlation functions, J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P03012,
preprint arXiv:0711.4619
(40 pages).
BD, Twisted
modules for vertex operator algebras, London
Mathematical Society/Cambridge University Press, proceedings of the
workshop “Moonshine - the First Quarter Century and Beyond, a Workshop
on the Moonshine Conjectures and Vertex Algebras” (Edinburgh, 2004),
preprint math.QA/0611120
(41 pages). |
J. L. Cardy, O. A. Castro
Alvaredo and BD, Form factors of branch-point twist fields in
quantum integrable models and entanglement entropy, J. Stat. Phys. 130, 129-168
(2008), preprint arXiv:0706.3384
(40 pages).
BD, New method
for studying steady states in quantum impurity problems: the
interacting resonant level model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 076806 (2007),
preprint cond-mat/0703249
(4 pages).
BD and J. Cardy,
Calogero-Sutherland eigenfunctions with mixed boundary conditions and
conformal field theory correlators, J. Phys. A 40, 2509-2540 (2007),
preprint hep-th/0611054
(32 pages).
BD, Finite-temperature
form factors: a review, SIGMA 3 011 (2007),
proceedings of the “O’Raifertaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative and
Symmetry Methods in Field Theory” (Budapest, 2006), preprint hep-th/0611066 (37
BD, V. Riva and J.
Cardy, Identification of the stress-energy tensor through conformal
restriction in SLE and related processes, Commun. Math. Phys. 268, 687-716
(2006), preprint math-ph/0511054
(30 pages).
BD, J. Lepowsky and A.
Milas, Twisted vertex
operators and Bernoulli polynomials, Commun. Cont.
Math. 8, 247-307 (2006),
preprint math.QA/0311151
(61 pages).
BD and N. Andrei, Universal aspects of
non-equilibrium currents
in a quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B 73 245326 (2006), preprint cond-mat/0506235
(35 pages). Selected for publication in the July 4, 2006 issue of
Virtual Journal
of Nanoscale Science and Technology (
BD, Finite-temperature form factors in the Majorana
theory, J. Stat. Mech. (2005)
P11006 preprint hep-th/0506105
(40 pages).
BD and P. Fonseca, Ising field theory on a
pseudosphere, J. Stat. Mech. (2004) P07002, preprint hep-th/0404136 (39
BD, Form factor of Ising spin and disorder fields
on the Poincaré disk, J. Phys. A 37, 359-370 (2003),
special edition, proceedings of the workshop "Recent Advances in the
Theory of Integrable Systems" (Annecy, 2003), Rutgers preprint .pdf (12 pages).
BD, Two-point functions of scaling fields in the
Dirac theory on the Poincaré disk, Nucl. Phys. B 675, 607-630
(2003), preprint hep-th/0304190 (24
BD, J. Lepowsky and A. Milas, Twisted modules for
vertex operator algebras and Bernoulli polynomials, I.M.R.N.
44, 2391-2408 (2003), preprint math.QA/0303193
(18 pages).
BD and S. Lukyanov, Fermion Schwinger's functions
for the SU(2)-Thirring model, Nucl. Phys. B644,
451-475 (2002), preprint
hep-th/0203135 (25 pages).
Articles / lecture notes / proceedings currently on arXiv only
J. Bhaseen, B. Doyon, A. Lucas and K. Schalm, Far from equilibrium energy flow in quantum critical systems, preprint arXiv:1311.3655 (5 pages). Under consideration for publication. |
Y. Chen and BD, Form factors in equilibrium and non-equilibrium mixed states of the Ising model, preprint arXiv:1305.0518 (47 pages). Under consideration for publication. |
BD, Nonequilibrium density matrix for thermal transport in quantum field theory, preprint arXiv:1212.1077 (20 pages). Lecture
notes for École de Physique des Houches: Physique des systèmes
quantiques fortement corrélés hors équilibre, Les Houches, Frances, 30
juillet - 24 août 2012
BD, Higher conformal variations and the Virasoro vertex operator algebra, preprint arXiv:1110.1507 (55 pages). Under consideration for publication.
BD, Factorization of conformal maps on finitely connected domains, preprint arXiv:1107.0582 (5 pages). New proof of an old theorem.
BD, Conformal loop
ensembles and the stress-energy tensor. I. Fundamental notions of
CLE, preprint arXiv:0903.0372
(61 pages); II. Construction of the
stress-energy tensor, preprint arXiv:0908.1511
(62 pages). Combined version published in Lett. Math. Phys. (see point 27 above).
All international school lecture notes
Nonequilibrium density matrix for thermal transport in quantum field theory, preprint arXiv:1212.1077 (20 pages), Lecture notes for École de Physique
des Houches: Physique des systèmes quantiques fortement corrélés hors
équilibre, Les Houches, Frances, 30 juillet - 24 août 2012 |
The density matrix for
quantum impurities out of equilibrium, lecture notes for the Fifth
Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructure (5 may 2009), QuantumImpurities.pdf
(42 pages). |
Some talks
Integrability out of equilibrium: current, fluctuations, correlations
Dijon 5 September 2013
Random loops and conformal field theory
STATPHYS25 Seoul 25 July 2013
Fluctuation relations in non-equilibrium quantum steady states
Imperial College 10 July 2013
Conformal restriction, conformal geometry and vertex algebras
Simons Center (Stony Brook) April 2013
Non-equilibrium steady states in (near) critical quantum systems
Nottingham 26 Feb 2013, Brookhaven 25 April 2013, Birmingham 9 May 2013.
Conformal field theory from conformal loop ensembles
Dijon 2012
slides (.pdf)
Exact low-energy results for non-equilibrium steady states
Mohanpur, India, 3 January 2012
Edinburgh Unviersity, 9 December 2011
slides (.pdf)
The entanglement entropy in integrable quantum field theory
University of Tours, France, 20 October 2011
University of Bologna, Italy, 14 Septemner 2011
(.pdf), slides (.pdf)
The vertex operator algebra of conformal loop ensembles
Cardiff University, 7 October 2010
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual, Benasque, Spain, July 2010
Conformal field theory from conformal loop ensembles
Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Veritá, Ascona, Switzerland, May 2010
Calculus on
infinite-dimensional manifolds, conformal field theory, and its
probabilistic descriptions
Département de physique théorique, Université de
Genève, 24 March 2010
slides (.pdf)
The stress-energy tensor
in conformal loop ensembles
Centre de Recherche Mathématiques, Montréal, Canada, 7
August 2008
Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, 4
June 2008
slides (.pdf)
The entanglement entropy
and its universal behaviour in one dimension
Galilei Centre for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy, 8 September
Centre for Particle Theory, Durham University, 11 March 2008
slides (.pdf)
Branch-point twist fields
and entanglement entropy in integrable quantum field theory
Mathematics Deparment, University of Edinburgh, 31 October 2007
Département de physique, Université Laval, Québec,
Canada, 21 June 2007
Kings College, London, 11 May 2007
Form factors of
branch-point twist fields and entanglement entropy in integrable
quantum feld theory
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Prague, Czech Republic,
15 June 2007
slides (.pdf)
Linear integral equations
for finite-temperature dynamical
correlation functions in the quantum Ising model
University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 25 July 2007
slides (.pdf), slides (.pdf)
The density matrix formulation for quantum
impurities in steady states out of equilibrium
Department of physics, Aachen University, Germany, 12 May 2009
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Amsterdam University, The
Netherlands, 9 July 2009
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste,
Italy, 15 July 2009
Quantum impurities in
non-equilirbium steady states
of physics, Warwick University, 11 October 2007
New method for
studying steady states in quantum impurity problems
Montauk Yatch Club, Long Island, U.S.A., 5 September 2007
A new method for quantum impurity problems: the interacting
resonant-level model
Department of mathematics, University of York, 12
March 2007
New results on the
nonequilibrium interacting resonant-level model
Department of theoretical physics, Oxford University, 14 February 2007
Quantum impurity systems:
using the equations of motion
Department of physics, École Normale Supérieure de Paris,
28 November 2006
slides (.pdf)
Conformal field theory
and Schramm-Loewner evolution
Department of mathematics, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, U.S.A., 7 September 2007
Deparment of physics, Universitá degli Studi
di Milano, 1 March
slides (.pdf)
Solving Painlevé
connection problems using two-dimensional integrable quantum field
Department of mathematics, Manchester University, 16 November 2006
School of Mathematics, City University, 4 October 2006
Newton Institute, Cambridge, 20 September 2006
slides (.pdf)
Identification of the
stress-energy tensor through conformal restriction in SLE and related
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 14 September 2006
Other advanced lecture notes |
Introduction to integrable
quantum field theory:
Durham, 29 April - 6 March 2008 (.pdf)
Oxford, 3 February - 10 March 2006 (.pdf)
Introduction to
two-dimensional quantum field theory
Durham, 24 April - 19 March 2009 (.pdf)
(incomplete notes) |
Ph.D. Thesis,
Rutgers University
(October 2004)
functions in integrable quantum field
(.ps, .pdf) |