postdoctoral position
"From conformal loop ensembles to conformal field theory"
home page of Dr.
Benjamin Doyon
Under the EPSRC grant
EP/H051619/1, I am
looking for one post-doctoral
assistant for a period of one year, to start anytime before 23
May 2011.
The project is concerned with establishing a connection between
conformal loop ensembles (CLE) and conformal field theory (CFT). In
particular, the research assistant will help in generalising in various
directions the work [21], about the
construction of the stress-energy tensor in CLE.
A knowledge of fundamental notions of CFT (e.g. chapters 1-7
of "Conformal Field Theory" by Di Francesco, Mathieu,
Sénéchal), of Schramm-Loewner evolution
(e.g. Cardy, cond-mat/0503313
and references therein),
of measure and probabily theory (e.g. chapters 1-5 and
9 of "Measure Theory" by Halmos) will be necessary. Some familiarity
with conformal loop ensembles [Werner math.PR/0511268, math.PR/0511605;
Sheffield math.PR/0609167;
Smirnov arxiv:0708.0039]
as well as recent developments in this
context [21,22] would be useful. The project
will give the assistant the opportunity to learn more about these
Besides the standard salary for post-doctoral assistants at KCL (grade
6, spine point 33, including a London allowance), the assistant will
have access to travel money for conferences. She/he will also be
encouraged to
intereract with the theoretical
physics group at King's
College London, as well as
with other groups of the department
of mathematics. These include, in particular, world-leading
researchers in CFT,
string theory, geometry and analysis.
For the
official KCL job description and application procedure, please follow this
The deadline for applications is 11 June 2010.
For informal enquiries, please write to:
benjamin.doyon _at_
latest update: 14 May 2010