Under the EPSRC grant
EP/H051619/1, I am supporting one post-doctoral
assistant, Dr. Thomas Koeppe, 1 September 2011 - 31 October 2012.
The general project is concerned with establishing a connection between
conformal loop ensembles (CLE) and conformal field theory (CFT). In
particular, it aims at generalising in various
directions the works [22, 23], about the
construction of the stress-energy tensor in CLE, and the relation between this CFT field and "conformal derivatives".
I am also supervising two MSc students:
Jonathan Desponds (in a one-year "stage" from École Normale Supérieure de Paris), on a project concerned with descendents of the
stress-energy tensor in CLE; and Rostam King, on a project concerned with the
bounday stress-energy tensor in CLE.
Papers written under this grant (from my publication list):
Latest version of [22]: B. D., Calculus on
manifolds of conformal maps and CFT, preprint
arXiv:1004.0138 (53 pages).
[28] B. D., Factorization of conformal maps on finitely connected domains, preprint
arXiv:1107.0582 (5 pages).
[29] B. D., Higher conformal variations and the Virasoro vertex operator algebra, preprint
arXiv:1110.1507 (55 pages)
latest update: 28 October 2011