Physica A, Volume 370, Issue 1, pp. 1-162, 1 October 2006)
Colloquium" 2010, Institute
of Physics, Academia Sinica and the Department of Economics, National
Chengchi-University- Taipei, Taiwan
"Econophysics Colloquium" 2011, University
of Vienna, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Colloquium" 2012, ETH - Zurich
Colloquium" 2013, POSTECH (APCTP
Headquarters), Pohang, Korea
Colloquium" 2014, Kobe,
Colloquium" 2015, Prague, Czech
Colloquium" 2016, Sao Paulo,
Colloquium" 2017, Warsaw, Poland
Colloquium" 2018, Palermo,
Colloquium" 2019, Singapore
Colloquium" 2020, Cancelled
due to the pandemic situation
"Econophysics Colloquium" 2021, Lyon, France
"Econophysics Colloquium" 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
"Econophysics Colloquium" 2023, Lipari, Italy
"Econophysics Colloquium" 2024, Vienna, Austria
"Econophysics Colloquium" 2025, Rome, Italy
The lives of most of us depend on the dynamics of financial markets that
affects investments, savings, business, employment, growth, wealth and
-ultimately- the daily functioning of our society. Understanding, monitoring
and managing the dynamics of financial markets is of crucial importance to
policy-makers, financial institutions and businesses that are increasingly
faced with managing risk, planning strategies and taking decisions in an
increasingly complex market-place.
We are developing innovative, flexible methods to characterize, survey and
monitor the financial market structure and the emergence of organized
behaviours. The project involves the application of advanced ideas from
statistical physiscs, mathematical finance, complex system studies and science
of networks.
Our general aim is to contribute to the understanding of the fundamental
aspects of the science of complex systems. Specific goals concern the
development of tools to analyse the collective behaviour of complex systems
such as financial markets, to understand their structure, to manage and control
Starting from correlation matrices we developed a new technique to construct
networks containing the most relevant information.
Such a technique starts from the complete weighted graph Knrepresenting the
correlations between nelements and extracts a significant sub-graph with
constrained genus g.
Larger is the genus and larger is the amount of information retained in the sub
graph up to the limit when the genus is above or equal to
when the complete graph can be reconstructed.
The simplest class of graphs is constructed in the case g=0which lead to a
reticulation of a topological sphere.
This technique is described in some detail in: T. Di Matteo, T. Aste, S. T.
Hyde and S. Ramsden, "Interest rates hierarchical structure", Physica A 355
(2005) 21-33; where a practical application to interest rates is also
discussed. The resulting topological structures are shown hereafter in the case
of Interest rates.
A more general discussion of this tecnique and its application to 100 stocks on
a US equity market is presented in: M. Tumminello, T. Aste, T. Di Matteo, R. N.
Mantegna, "
A tool
for filtering information in complex systems", Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Vol. 102, Num. 30 (2005)
The planar graph resulting from the mapping of the correlation matrix onto a
topological sphere is shown here below.
We study the topological properties of graphs embedded on manifolds with
different genus.
We analyze the relation between the average genus per node and the network-
topological structure highlighting the effect of local an global properties on
the system of topological distances between nodes.
It has been widely noted that complex interconnected structures appear in a
wide variety of systems of high technological and intellectual importance. It
has been pointed out that many such networks are disordered but not completely
random. On the contrary, they have intrinsic hierarchies and characteristic
organizations which are distinguishable and are preserved during the network
evolution. In particular, one of the principal feature of these networks is the
fact that they are both clustered and connected. For instance, an individual in
a social network has most links within his own local circle, yet each
individual in the world is only at a fewsteps from any other. An example of a
completely clustered network is a triangular lattice on a planar surface: in
such a network each one of the n nodes is connected with its local neighbors
only and the average distance between two individuals scales as n0.5. This is a
‘large world’. On the other hand, we know that random graphs are
closely connected systems where the average distance scales as ln(n): a
‘small world’.
Intermediate structures can be constructed from the planar lattice by adding
links between distant nodes making in this way short cuts. But such an
insertion of a short-cut on the triangular lattice has an important
consequence: the network can no longer be drawn on the plane without edge
crossings; it is non-planar. The embedding surface must be modified accordingly
by creating a ‘worm hole’ which connects two distant parts of the
surface and through which the new link can ‘travel’. Such
‘worm holes’ create short-cut tunnels in the (2D) universe
transforming it into a small world.
InT. Aste, T. Di Matteo, S. T. Hyde, "
Complex networks on hyperbolic
surfaces", Physica A 346 (2005) 20-26 (cond-mat/0408443)we explore the idea
of a network that exists, grows and evolves on an hyperbolic surfacewith fixed
genus. The complexity of the network itself is in this way associated with the
complexity of the surface and the evolution of the network is now constrained
to a given overall topological organization.
More precisely, we explore the relation between the properties of a network and
its embedding on a surface.
An orientable surface can be topologically classified in term of its genuswhich
is the largest number of non-intersecting simple closed cuts that can be made
on the surface without disconnecting a portion (equal to the number of handles
in the surface).
The genus (g) is a good measure of complexity for a surface: under such a
classification, the sphere (g = 0) is the simplest system; the torus is the
second-simpler (g = 1); etc. To a given network can always be assigned a
Our approach works in two ways: it is a convenient tool to generate graphs with
given complexity (genus) and/or it is a useful instrument to measure the
complexity of real-world graphs.