Maschinelles Lernen / Machine Learning
Stefan Edelkamp
Am Fallturm 1, Raum 2.62
D-28357 Universität Bremen
Kompakt 27.02.-10.03.2017 je 08:30-12:00 / 27.02.-10.03.2017 je 14:00-16:00
Machine Learning is concerned with computer programs that
automatically improve their performance through experience (e.g.,
programs that learn to recognize human faces, recommend music and
movies, and drive autonomous robots).
- Decision Trees, Naive Bayes, Bayes' Nets
- Linear Regression, Markov Chains, HMMs and CRF
- Classification 1: Neuronal Nets, Backprop and Co.
- Classification 2: Support/Bit Vector Machines and Co.
- Clustering: k-means and Co.
- (Approx.) Nearest Neighbor, Full Delaunay Hierarchies, kD Trees and Co.
- Singular Value Decomp. Principle Component Analysis and Co
- Rule Learning: Words, Macros, Association Rules and Co.
- Reinforcement Learning: Value Iteration and Co.
- Recommender Systems: Collaborative Filtering and Co.
- Regular Languages: Automata Learning, (I)ID and Co.
- Evolutionary Learning: GAs and Co.
- Monte-Carlo (Tree) Search: Bandits, UCT, NMCS, NRPA, and Co.
- Deep Learning: CNN, Deep Mind and Co.
- Christopher M. Bishop: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
Information Science and Statistics.
- Tom Mitchell: Machine Learning, McGraw Hill.
- Pat Langley: Elements of Machine Learning, Morgan Kaufmann.
- Stefan Edelkamp: Heuristic Search, Morgan Kaufmann.
- Richard Sutton, Andrew Barto: Reinforcement Learning, MIT.
- Recent Publications in AI conferences (e.g., AAAI, IJCAI, ECML, ICML).