Linear-time computation of prefix table for weighted strings and applications (bibtex)
by Carl Barton, Chang Liu and Solon P. Pissis
C. Barton, C. Liu, S. P. Pissis, "Linear-time computation of prefix table for weighted strings and applications", Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 656, Part B, 2016, pp. 160–172.
Bibtex Entry:
title = "Linear-time computation of prefix table for weighted strings and applications ",
journal = "Theoretical Computer Science ",
volume = "656, Part B",
pages = "160--172",
year = "2016",
note = "Stringology: In Celebration of Bill Smyth’s 80th Birthday ",
issn = "0304-3975",
doi = "10.1016/j.tcs.2016.04.029",
author = "Carl Barton and Chang Liu and Solon P. Pissis"
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