Geometry and Analysis of Manifolds with Reduced Holonomy
SMI, Cortona, 2007


1. (suitable for Friday of Week 1 or beginning of Week 2)
Sobolev spaces and conformal geometry:
(a) Show that for a compact Riemannian manifold M, we have Lpk(M)=Lpk,loc(M) as topological vector spaces.
(b) Riemannian metrics g and ĝ on a manifold M are said to be conformally equivalent if ĝ=efg for some smooth function f on M. Show that the L2 norm of differential 2-forms on a four-manifold is conformally invariant (i.e. has the same value for any choice of metric in a given conformal equivalence class. More generally, when is an Lpk norm on an n-dimensional manifold conformally invariant?

2. (Week 2)  This seminar could begin with introducing Cayley numbers (octonions) and then use these to construct an almost-complex structure on an arbitrary orientable immersed 6-dimensional submanifold of R7. Further related material can be chosen from S. Salamon, Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups

3. (Week 2, after the lecture of S.Salamon on the Riemannian geometry in 4 dimensions.) Anti-self-duality for the 4-dimensional oriented Riemannian manifolds: Decomposition of the Riemannian curvature in dimension 4. Specialization to Kähler complex surfaces. Manifolds with holonomy Sp(1) (=SU(2)) are anti-self-dual. Kähler manifolds are anti-self-dual iff scalar flat.
Supporting texts:
A.King and D.Kotschick, The deformation theory of anti-self-dual conformal structures, Mathematische Annalen
294 (1992) 591--609.
C.P Boyer, Conformal duality and compact complex surfaces, Mathematische Annalen
274 (1986) 517--526.}
(Both articles can be found at

4. (Week 2) The hyper-Kähler and quaternionic geometry. In particular, show using a `holomorphic volume form' (but without appealing to the isomorphism of holonomy groups SU(2)=Sp(1)) that if (X,I,h) is a simply-connected Ricci-flat Kähler surface (I is the complex structure, h is the Kähler metric) then X has another complex structure J such that IJ+JI=0 and h is Kähler with respect to J.
Supporting texts:

S. Salamon, Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups, Ch. 7
D. Joyce, Compact manifolds with special holonomy, Ch. 8

5. (Week 2 or 3.) Construct a hyper-Kähler K3 surface as a generalized connected sum
X=S1 #T3 S2 of  two asymptotically cylindrical Calabi-Yau (hyper-Kähler) surfaces Si. The two principal tasks are (i) to construct on~$X$ an integrable almost-complex structure with trivial canonical bundle and (ii) to do the `gluing argument for Ricci-flat Kähler metric, using the Calabi-type argument.
This is a follow-up to the material to be lectured in Week 2; for further advice consult A.~Kovalev.
Useful text:  §2 in N. Hitchin, The moduli space of special Lagrangian submanifolds. arXiv dg-ga/9711002

6. Calibrated minimal submanifolds of Rn. Explain the concept of calibration. Show that calibrated submanifolds are minimal (moreover, they are volume-minimizing). Discuss one or two examples of calibrations -- e.g. deduce a differential equation for the corresponding type of calibrated submanifolds and give example(s) of solutions.
The reference text is
R. Harvey and H.B. Lawson, Calibrated geometries, Acta Math. 148 (1982) 47--157.  Sections depend on your choice of example of calibration. A PDF file of the paper is available

7. Explicit/elementary examples of the Calabi-Yau metrics on the complexifications of Sn, CPn and HPn. The examples are obtained by using the large symmetry group of those manifolds to reduce the nonlinear partial differential equation governing the Ricci curvature to a simple second-order ordinary differential equation for a function.
The reference texts are
M.B. Stenzel, Ricci-flat metrics on the complexification of a compact rank one symmetric space, Manuscripta Math. 80 (1993) 151--163.
T.-C. Lee, Complete Ricci flat Kähler metric on MnI, M2nII, M4nIII Pacific J. Math. 185 (1998) 315--326.
PDF files of these papers are available

8. (Week 3) Topological criterion for holonomy = G2. The torsion-free G2 structure on a 7-manifold only guarantees that the holonomy of induced metric is contained in G2. Your task if you choose to accept it is to explain that the holonomy of a compact G2-manifold will be exactly G2 if and only if the fundamental group of the manifold is finite. There is a similar criterion for an asymptotically cylindrical G2-manifold.
Supporting text
for the compact case: §10.1, 10.2 in D. Joyce, Compact manifolds with special holonomy, §10.1, 10.2
for the asymptotically cylindrical case §7 in J. Nordström, Deformations of asymptotically cylindrical manifolds. arXiv:0705.4444

9. Stable differential forms. Explain how these generalize the concept of a non-degenerate  (symplectic) 2-form and discuss some result(s) from
N. Hitchin, Stable forms and special metrics, arXiv:math.DG/0107101
or N. Hitchin, The geometry of three-forms in six and seven dimensions, arXiv:math.DG/0010054