Geometry and Analysis of Manifolds with Reduced Holonomy
SMI, Cortona, 2007


1. Kähler manifolds. Equivalence of the various definitions. Properties of Kähler manifolds (possibly including [ρ]=2πc1)

2. Reducible holonomy. Applying the theory to compact Ricci-flat Kähler manifolds [J 3.2+6.2]

3. The continuity method. Overview of the Calabi conjecture; stating the basic estimates and explaining how they are used [J 5.2] (Maybe in collaboration with the existence seminar)

4. Nearly-Kähler metrics. Definition, characterization in terms of exterior forms, and relatonship to G2 holonomy. See the Tour, §6

5. Spin(7) metrics. Elementary properties of metrics with holonomy Spin(7) on an 8-manifold [J §10.5]

6. Isothermal coordinates. Existence of these on a real surface, as a special case of the Newlander-Nirenberg theorem. Possible source: Spivak's vol IV, from the Palazzone's library

7. A metric with holonomy SU(m+1). Constructed on the total space of the canonical bundle of a Kähler-Einstein manifold; see the red book, pages 107-109

8. More on K3 surfaces. Realizations, topology, Hodge numbers, complex moduli. Source: [J §7.3] and other books

9. The moduli of holonomy G2 metrics. Deformations of 3-forms; relevance of b3 [J 10.4]

10. The topology of compact G2 manifolds. Possible reducible holonomy subgroups of G2, refined Betti numbers. Main source: [J 10.2]. The seminar should also include some Hodge theory from [J 3.5.2] OR background on the first Pontrjagin class of a smooth manifold

11. A modification of the simple example T7/Γ. Study of fixed points and singular sets of the example in [J §12.3], following a similar presentation in lectures (the details are fiddly but elementary). Discussion of the resolutions in the same section OR the further examples from [J §12.4]

12. The structure of the singularities of T7/Γ. The notation and cases of [J §11.3], described carefully with the help of at least one example from Chapter 12

Another topic may follow