Journal Papers under Review
K. van Berkel, M. D'Agostino and S. Modgil.
A Dialectical Formalisation of Preferred Subtheories
Reasoning Under Resource Bounds.. Under Review, 2024.
Technical Reports
Journals and Book Chapters
Black, E., Brandao, M., Cocarascu, O., De Keijzer, B., Du, Y., Long, D., Luck, M.,
McBurney, P., Merono-Penuela, A., Miles, S., Modgil, S., Moreau, L., Polukarov, M.,
Rodrigues, O. & Ventre, C. Reasoning and interaction for social artificial intelligence.
In: AI Communications. 35, 4, p. 309 - 325. 2022.
Kokciyan, N.; Sassoon, I.; Sklar, E.; Modgil, S.; and Parsons, S.
Applying Metalevel Argumentation Frameworks to Support Medical Decision Making.. In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 17(2-4), pp. 121-129, 2024.
D. Grossi and S.Modgil
On the Graded Acceptability of Arguments in Abstract and Instantiated Argumentation. In: Artificial Intelligence (AIJ),
(275), 138-173, 2019.
M. D'Agostino and S.Modgil
Classical Logic, Argument and Dialectic.
In Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). 262, 15 - 51,
S. Modgil and H. Prakken
Corrigendum to: ``A General Account of Argumentation with Preferences'' [Artif. Intell. 195 (2013) 361-397].
In Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). (doi = "")
S. Modgil and H. Prakken
Abstract rule-based argumentation.
In P. Baroni, D. Gabbay, M. Giacomin & L. van der Torre (eds.): Handbook of Formal Argumentation, Vol. 1, pp. 286--361. London: College Publications.,
2018 (version July 4th, 2017).
S. Modgil, H. Prakken.
The ASPIC+ framework for structured argumentation: a tutorial. In: Argument and Computation,
5(1), 31-62, 2014.
S. Modgil.
Revisiting Metalevel Argumentation. In: A Festschrift in Honour of Trevor Bench-Capon on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday.
, London College Publications, 135-150,
S. Modgil, H. Prakken. A General Account
of Argumentation and Preferences. In: Artificial
Intelligence (AIJ) . 195(0), 361 - 397, 2013.
(4th most cited article in Artificial Intelligence in the last 5 years (
This online version of the paper corrects an error in the version of the paper that appears in the AIJ (An explanation of the correction
can be found here: Corrigendum for: A General Account of Argumentation with Preferences). The online version here
includes a modified version of Section 5.1 (and proofs of results in this section in the Appendix). We are very grateful to
Sjur Dyrkolbotn for drawing our attention to a problem with the definition of `reasonable inducing' that has now been corrected in this online version.
Note that the counter-example to rationality noted in: P. M. Dung. An Axiomatic Analysis of Structured Argumentation for
Prioritised Default Reasoning. ECAI2014, 267-272, 2014, is now no longer a counter-example according to this online version.
F. Bex, S. Modgil, H. Prakken, C. Reed. On Logical Specifications of the
Argument Interchange Format. In: Journal of Logic and
Computation (JLC) . 23(5), (first published online August 3 2012, doi: 10.1093/logcom/exs033).
S.Modgil and F.Toni (eds.). The Added
Value of Argumentation. Book chapter in: Agreement
Technologies. Springer Verlag, 2013.
P. Tolchinsky, S. Modgil, Katie Atkinson, Peter McBurney and Ulises
Cortes. Deliberation Dialogues for Reasoning about
Safety Critical
Actions. In: Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent
Systems (JAAMAS). Volume 25, Pages 209-259, 2012.
S. Modgil and T.J.M Bench-Capon. Metalevel Argumentation.
In: Journal of Logic and Computation , 21(6), 959-1003, 2011
(First publised online in 2010; doi: 10.1093/logcom/exq054).
S. Modgil. Reasoning
About Preferences in Argumentation
Frameworks. In: Artificial Intelligence (AIJ). Volume
173, Issues 9-10, Pages 901-1040, June 2009.
most cited AIJ article aince 2009) and
Winner of the AIJ 2014 Prominent Paper Award
S. Modgil and M. Caminada. Proof Theories and
Algorithms for Abstract Argumentation
Frameworks. In: Argumentation in AI , I. Rahwan and G.
Simari (eds), 105-132, Springer-Verlag,
Pancho Tolchinsky, Ulises Cortes, Sanjay Modgil, Francisco
Caballero and Antonio Lopez-Navidad Increasing the Availability of
Human Organs for
Transplantation Through Argumentation Based
Deliberation Among Agents.. In: IEEE Intelligent Systems:
Special Issue on Intelligent Agents in
Healthcare, 21(6), 30-37, Nov/Dec 2006.
J. Fox and S.Modgil. From Arguments to Decisions: Extending
the Toulmin View. Book chapter in: Arguing on the Toulmin Model
New Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation.
Series: Argumentation Library , Vol. 10 Hitchcock, David; Verheij, Bart
(Eds.) 2006.
ISBN: 1-4020-4937-4
Carlos Chesnevar, Jarred McGinnis, Sanjay Modgil, Iyad Rahwan,
Reed, Guillermo Simari, Matthew South, Gerard Vreeswijk, Steven
Willmott. Towards an Argument Interchange Format.. In: The
Knowledge Engineering Review, 21(4), 293-316, Cambridge University
Press, 2007.
Refereed conference and Workshop papers
M. D'Agostino and S. Modgil.
Extending Dialectical Classical Logic Argumentation with Unrestricted Rebut and Occam Razor Defeats. In:
10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA). 49-60, 2024.
K. Van Berkel and S. Modgil.
A Nonmonotonic Proof Theory for Dialectical Argumentation. In:
10th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA). 301-312, 2024.
E. Bezou-Vrakatseli,O. Cocarascu and S. Modgil.
EthiX: A Dataset for Argument Scheme Classification in
Ethical Debates. In:
27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). 3628-3635, 2024.
J. Szabo, J. Such, N. Criado Pachero and S. Modgil.
Moral Uncertainty and the Problem of Fanaticism. In:
The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 19948–19955, 2024.
Andreas Xydis, Christopher Hampson, Sanjay Modgil, Elizabeth Black:
A Sound and Complete Dialogue System for Handling Misunderstandings. In: SAFA-COMMA, 19-32, 2022:
Andreas Xydis, Christopher Hampson, Sanjay Modgil, Elizabeth Black:
Towards a Sound and Complete Dialogue System for Handling Enthymemes. In: CLAR 2021>: 437-456
M. D'Agostino and S. Modgil.
A Fully Rational Account of Structured Argumentation Under Resource Bounds. In:
29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'20), 1841-1847, 2020.
A. Xydis, C. Hampson, S. Modgil, E. Black. Enthymemes in dialogue. In Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA2020. 355-369, 2020.
Kökciyan, N.; Parsons, S.; Sassoon, I.; Sklar, E.; and Modgil, S. An argumentation-based approach to generate domain-specific explanations. In European Conference on Multiagent Systems (EUMAS), pages 319–337, 2020. Springer International Publishing in press
K. van Berkel, A. Ciabattoni, E. Freschi, S. Modgil.
Evaluating Networks of Arguments: A Case Study in Mimamsa Dialectics. In:
International Conference on Logic, Rationality and Interaction (LORI'19). 355-369. 2019.
T.J.M. Bench-Capon and S. Modgil.
Norms and Extended Argumentation Frameworks
. In:
17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law.
S. Modgil.
Many Kinds of Minds are Better than One: Value Alignment Through Dialogue
. In:
Workshop on Argumentation and Philosophy (co-located with COMMA'18).
M. D'Agostino and S, Modgil.
A Study of Argumentative Characterisations of Preferred Subtheories
. In:
27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI-18), 1788-1794, July 2018.
Anthony P. Young, Nadin Kokciyan, Isabel Sassoon, Sanjay Modgil and Simon Parsons.
Instantiating Metalevel Argumentation Frameworks. In
7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2018).
Kokciyan, N., Sassoon, I. K., Young, A. P., Chapman, M. D., Porat, T. R., Ashworth, M., Curcin, V., Modgil, S., Parsons, S. and Sklar, E. I.
Towards an Argumentation System for Supporting Patients in Self-Managing their Chronic Conditions.
In: AAAI Joint Workshop on Health Intelligence 2018.
Kokciyan, N.; Sassoon, I.; Young, A.; Modgil, S.; and Parsons, S. Reasoning with Metalevel Argumentation Frameworks in Aspartix (Demo Paper).In Computational Models of Argument - Proceedings of COMMA,
463-464, 2018.
S, Modgil.
Dialogical Scaffolding for Human and Artificial Agent Reasoning
. In:
5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC 2017), 73-86, November 2017.
S, Modgil.
The Role of Logic based Argument and Dialogue in
Addressing the AI Value Loading Problem (Extended Abstract)., In:
Values in Argumentation - Values in Argumentation, Nova Institute of Philosophy, Lisbon, June 2017.
P. Young, S. Modgil, O. Rodrigues.
On the Interaction between Logic and Preference in Structured Argumentation
. In:
The 2017 International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Formal Argument (co-located with IJCAI'17), 33-50, 2017.
S. Modgil,
Towards a General Framework for Dialogues that Accommodate Reasoning About Preferences
. In:
The 2017 International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Formal Argument (co-located with IJCAI'17), 175-191, 2017.
M. D'Agostino and S.Modgil
A Rational Account of Classical Logic Argumentation for
Real-world Agents., In:
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016),
141 - 149,
M. A.Hosseini, S. Modgil, O. Rodrigues
Assigning Likelihoods to Interlocutors, Beliefs and Arguments., In:
6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument. (COMMA 2016),
339-350, 2016.
A.P. Young, S. Modgil, O. Rodrigues. Prioritised Default Logic as Rational Argumentation. In:
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016) , 626-634, 2016.
A.Hosseini, S. Modgil, O. Rodrigues. Estimating Second Order Arguments in Dialogical Settings. In:
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2016), 1469-1470, 2016.
C. Hadjinikolis, S. Modgil, E. Black. Building Support Based Opponent Models. To appear in: The 2015
International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Formal Argument
(TAFA'15), 2015.
D.Grossi and S. Modgil. On the Graded Acceptability of Arguments . In:
Proc. 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2015), 868-874, 2015.
M.W.A. Caminada, S. Modgil and N. Oren. Preferences and Unrestricted Rebut. In : Proc. Fifth International Conference on Computational
Models of Argument (COMMA-2014), 209-220, 2014.
S.A.Hosseini, S. Modgil and O. Rodrigues. Enthymeme Construction in Dialogues using Shared Knowledge. In :
Proc. Fifth International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA-2014), 325-332, 2014.
S. Modgil. Revisiting
Abstract Argumentation. In: L. Black, S. Modgil,
N.Oren (Editors): Proceeedings of the Second International Workshop on
Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation (TAFA 2013 co-located
with IJCAI 2013), 1-15, August 2013, Beijing, China.
C. Hadjinikolis, Y. Siantos, S. Modgil, E. Black, P. McBurney. Opponent Modelling in Persuasion Dialogues. In: F.
Rossi (Editor): Proceeedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference
on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2013), August 2013, Beijing,
China. ( Winner of best poster IJCAI 2013).
C. Hadjinikolis, S. Modgil, E. Black, P. McBurney, M. Luck. Investigating Strategic Considerations in Persuasion
Dialogue Games. In:
Proceedings of the Sixth Starting AI Researchers' Symposium (STAIRS),
2012, IOS Press.
C. Hadjinikolis, S. Modgil, E. Black, P. McBurney.
Mechanisms for Opponent Modelling. In: Imperial College
Computing Student Workshop (ICCSW), 2012, OpenAccess Series in
Informatics, Schloss Dagstuhl.
S. Modgil and H. Prakken. Resolutions in Structured
Argumentation. To appear in: Fourth International
Conference on Computational Models of Argument(COMMA-2012), 2012.
H. Prakken and S. Modgil. Clarifying some
misconceptions on the
ASPIC+ framework. To appear in: Fourth International
Conference on Computational Models of Argument(COMMA-2012), 2012.
S. Modgil and H. Prakken. Revisiting Preferences
and Argumentation. In: Twenty-second International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11), 1021-1026, 2011.
P.Dunne, S. Modgil and T. J. M. Bench-Capon. Computation in Extended Argumentation
Frameworks. In: 19th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010), 119-124, 2010.
S. Modgil and H.Prakken. Reasoning
about Preferences in Structured Extended
Argumentation Frameworks. In: 3rd International Conference
on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA’10), 347-358, September
S. Modgil and T. J. M. Bench-Capon. Integrating Dialectical and
Accrual Modes
of Argumentation. In: 3rd International Conference on
Computational Models of Argument (COMMA’10), 335-346, September
S. Modgil. Labellings and Games
for Extended Argumentation Frameworks. In: Twenty-first
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09),
873-878, California USA, July 2009.
S. Modgil and M.Luck. Argumentation
based Resolution of Conflicts Between Desires and Normative Goals.
In: Proc 4th Workshop on Normative Multi-Agent Systems (Normas 2009),
Dagstuhl, Germany, March 2009, winner of best paper Normas 2009.
Also in: Proc. Fifth International Workshop on
Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2008), 252-263,
Portugal, 2008.
T.J.M. Bench-Capon and S. Modgil. Case
Law in Extended Argumentation Frameworks. In: Twelfth
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2009),
118-127 ,Barcelona,
June 2009.
S. Modgil and T.J.M Bench-Capon. Integrating Object and Meta-level
Value Based Argumentation. In: 2nd International Conference
on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 08), pp 240-251,
Toulouse, France, May 2008.
S. Modgil and H.Prakken. Applying Preferences
to Dialogue Graphs. In: 2nd International Conference on
Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 08), pp 252-263, Toulouse,
France, May 2008.
S. Modgil. An
Argumentation Based Semantics for Agent Reasoning. In: Proc.
Languages, methodologies and development tools for multi-agent systems,
pp 37 - 53,
Durham, UK, September 2007.
S. Modgil. An Abstract Theory of Argumentation That
Defeasible Reasoning About Preferences. In: 9th European
on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty
(ECSQARU 07), pp.648-659, Tunisia, September 2007.
P. Tolchinsky, K. Atkinson, P. McBurney, S. Modgil and U. Cortes.
Deliberating Over Action Proposals Using the ProCLAIM Model. In: 5th
International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent
Systems (CEEMAS 07), September 2007, Leipzig, Germany.
S. Modgil and J. McGinnis. Towards Characterising Argumentation
Dialogue in the Argument Interchange Format. To appear in: Proc. 4th
Workshop on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2007),
Hawaii, May, 2007.
Sanjay Modgil. Hierarchical
Argumentation. In: Proc.
10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA
2006), pp 319-332,
Liverpool, UK, September 2006.
Sanjay Modgil. Value Based
Argumentation in Hierarchical Argumentation Frameworks. In: Proc.
1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA
06), pp 297-308,
Liverpool, UK 11th - 12th September 2006
P. Tolchinsky, S. Modgil, U. Cortes, and M.Sanchez-Marre. CBR
and argument schemes for collaborative decision making. In: Proc.
1st International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA
06), IOS Press, pp 71-82, Liverpool, UK, September, 2006.
Katie Atkinson, Trevor Bench-Capon, Sanjay Modgil. Argumentation
for Decision Support. Accepted for publication in: 17th
International Conference on
Database and Expert Systems Applications
DEXA 2006
(, September 4-8, 2006, Krakow, Poland.
Steven Willmott, Gerard Vreeswijk, Carlos Chesnevar, Matthew
Jarred McGinnis, Sanjay Modgil, Iyad Rahwan, Chris Reed, and
Guillermo Simari. Towards an Argument Interchange Format
for Multi-Agent Systems. In: Proc. Third International Workshop
on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2006 at AAMAS
2006), Hakodate, Japan, May 2006.
P. Tolchinsky, S. Modgil, and U. Cortés. Argument
schemes and critical questions for heterogeneous
agents to argue over the viability of a human organ. In AAAI 2006
Spring Symposium
Series; Argumentation for Consumers of Healthcare, 2006.
S. Modgil, P. Tolchinsky, and U. Cortés. Towards
formalising agent argumentation over the
viability of human organs for transplantation. In: Advances in
Artificial Intelligence, 4th Mexican International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence(MICAI 05), pages 928–938,Monterrey, Mexico,
November 2005.
Modgil S. Nested Argumentation and its Application to Decision
over Actions. In: Proc. Second International Workshop
on Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems (ArgMAS 2005 at AAMAS
2005), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 2005.