Journal Papers under Review
Technical Reports
Journals and Book Chapters
Kökciyan, N.; Sassoon, I.; Sklar, E.; Modgil, S.; and Parsons, S.
Applying Metalevel Argumentation Frameworks to Support Medical Decision Making.. In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 17(2-4), pp. 121-129, 2004.
Sassoon, I., Kokciyan, N., Modgil, S. and Parsons, S. Argumentation Schemes for Clinical Decision Support. In: Argument and Computation, 12(3), 329 - 355, 2021.
J. Fox, D. Glasspool, D. Grecu, S. Modgil, V.Patkar, M. South. Argumentation-based
Inference and Decision-Making - A Perspective from the Medical Field.
In: IEEE Intelligent Systems: Special Issue on Argumentation
Technology, 22(6),34-41,2007
Pancho Tolchinsky, Ulises Cortes, Sanjay Modgil, Francisco
Caballero and Antonio Lopez-Navidad Increasing the Availability of
Human Organs for
Transplantation Through Argumentation Based
Deliberation Among Agents.. In: IEEE Intelligent Systems:
Special Issue on Intelligent Agents in
Healthcare, 21(6), 30-37, Nov/Dec 2006.
J. Fox, D. Glasspool, S. Modgil. A canonical agent model for
healthcare applications.
In: IEEE Intelligent Systems: Special Issue on Intelligent Agents
Healthcare, 21-28, Nov/Dec 2006.
Nammuni K., Pickering C., Modgil S., Montgomery A., Hammond P.,
Wyatt J.C., Altman D.G., Dunlop R., Potts H. Design-a-Trial: A
Based Decision Support System for Clinical Trial Design. In:
Knowledge Based Systems, 17(2-4), pp. 121-129, 2004.
Modgil S., Hammond P. Decision Support Tools for Clinical
Trial Design.
In: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal, 27(2), pp.
181-200, 2003.
Modgil S., Hutton T., Hammond P., Davenport J. Combining
and Symbolic Models for Customised, Automated Prosthesis Design.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Journal, 25(3), pp.
227-245, 2002.
Hammond P., Modgil S., Wyatt J. Safety and Computer Aided Design
of Chemotherapy Plans. In: Topics in Health Information
Journal, 20(4), pp. 55-66, 2000.
Refereed conference and Workshop papers
Chapman, M.; Kökciyan, N.; Essers, K.; Sassoon, I.; Balatsoukas, P.; Ashworth, M.; Curcin, V.; Parsons, S.; Modgil, S.; and Sklar, E.Computational Argumentation-based Clinical Decision Support. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pages 2345–2347, 2019.
Kökciyan, N.; Chapman, M.; Balatsoukas, P.; Sassoon, I.; Essers, K.; Ashworth, M.; Curcin, V.; Modgil, S.; Parsons, S.; and Sklar, E. A collaborative decision support tool for managing chronic conditions. In Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo), volume 264, pages 644–648, 2019.
Balatsoukas, P.; Porat, T.; Sassoon, I.; Essers, K.; Kökciyan, N.; Chapman, M.; Drake, A.; Modgil, S.; Ashworth, M.; Sklar, E.; Parsons, S.; and Curcin, V. User Involvement in the Design of a Data-Driven Self-Management Decision Support Tool for Stroke Survivors. In IEEE EUROCON 18th International Conference on Smart Technologies, pages 1-6, 2019.
Kokciyan, N., Sassoon, I. K., Young, A. P., Chapman, M. D., Porat, T. R., Ashworth, M., Curcin, V., Modgil, S., Parsons, S. and Sklar, E. I.
Towards an Argumentation System for Supporting Patients in Self-Managing their Chronic Conditions.
In: AAAI Joint Workshop on Health Intelligence 2018.
Porat, T.; Kökciyan, N.; Sassoon, I.; Young, A.; Chapman, M.; Ashworth, M.; Modgil, S.; Parsons, S.; Sklar, E.; and Curcin, V. Stakeholders' views on a collaborative decision support system to promote multimorbidity self-management: barriers, facilitators and design implications. In American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, 2018.
Sassoon, I.; Kökciyan, N.; Young, A.; Modgil, S.; and Parsons, S.
Argumentation-based Decision Support for Patient Self-Management. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA) ArgSoc Workshop, 2018. IOS Press
The CONSULT System (Demo Paper). Essers, K.; Chapman, M.; Kökciyan, N.; Sassoon, I.; Porat, T.; Balatsoukas, P.; Young, P.; Ashworth, M.; Curcin, V.; Modgil, S.; Parsons, S.; and Sklar, E. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human Agent Interaction (HAI), pages 385–386, 2018. ACM
John Fox, David Glasspool, Sanjay Modgil, Pancho Tolchinksy, Liz
Black and members of the ASPIC project.
Towards a canonical framework for designing agents to support
healthcare organisations. Accepted for publication in: ECAI-06
Workshop on Agents Applied in HealthCare, 17th European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, ECAI-2006
Riva del Garda, Italy
August 28th - September 1st, 2006.
P. Tolchinsky, S. Modgil, and U. Cortés. Argument
schemes and critical questions for heterogeneous
agents to argue over the viability of a human organ. In AAAI 2006
Spring Symposium
Series; Argumentation for Consumers of Healthcare, 2006.
Fox J, Black E, Glasspool D, Modgil S, Oettinger A, Patkar V,
Williams M. Towards a general model for argumentation services.
In AAAI 2006 Spring Symposium
Series; Argumentation for Consumers of Healthcare, 2006.
S. Modgil, P. Tolchinsky, and U. Cortés. Towards
formalising agent argumentation over the
viability of human organs for transplantation. In: Advances in
Artificial Intelligence, 4th Mexican International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence(MICAI 05), pages 928–938,Monterrey, Mexico,
November 2005.
Modgil S. and Fox J. A Guardian Agent Approach to Safety in
Multi-Agent Systems. In: Proc. First International Workshop on
Safety and Security in Multiagent Systems (SASEMAS 2004 at AAMAS 2004),
New York, July 2004.
Nammuni K., Pickering C., Modgil S., Montgomery A., Hammond P.,
J.C., Altman D.G., Dunlop R., Potts H. Design-a-Trial: A Rule-Based
Decision Support System for Clinical Trial Design. In: Proc
Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques
and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, December
Winner of award for best application paper
Modgil S. Linking Rules to Terminologies and Applications in
Planning. In: Proc. 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
in Europe, AIME2003, Protaras Cyprus, (eds. Dojat, Keravnou, Barahona),
LNAI 2780, pp. 214- 218, October 2003.