The theme of this two-fold activity is to bring together string theorists, particle physicists and cosmologists, and to foster a dialog between theory and data. Speakers include on the one hand expert phenomenologists familiar with current and near-future experiments (ranging from colliders to satellite experiments), and on the other hand theorists, both model builders and more formal string theorists.
The school aims to provide the participants, which can range from PhD students, postdocs to faculty,
with the mastery of three main pillars of string phenomenology and cosmology:
State of the art of theory and experiment in Particle Physics and Cosmology, String theoretic tools,
together with Computational tools.
The school is followed by a workshop, addressing recent developments in accommodating both particle physics and cosmology constraints, and consolidating prospects for an interface with data. The workshop is open to both the participants to the school, and to more senior experts on both the string theory and the pure phenomenology sides.
Applications to the school and to the workshop can be made separately. Applicants to the school are strongly encouraged to apply also to the workshop.
For further enquiries, please contact the organizers.
The workshop poster can be downloaded here.
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This is a COST network "String Theory Universe" activity.
Co-sponsors: INFN, Solvay Institute and Prisma Cluster.