Home > demos > demo_with_real_data.m





function demo_with_real_data


 A demonstration of using CCL library with real data from Trakstar sensor.
 The data is x,y,z position in the operational space. The operator
 attached one sensor on the finger tip and slided on different surface


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function demo_with_real_data
0002 % demo_with_real_data
0003 % A demonstration of using CCL library with real data from Trakstar sensor.
0004 % The data is x,y,z position in the operational space. The operator
0005 % attached one sensor on the finger tip and slided on different surface
0006 % constraints.
0007 clear all;clc;close all; rng('default');
0008 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0009 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0010 fprintf('<===========   Constraint Consistent Learning Library    =================>\r');
0011 fprintf('< This demo will demonstrate the CCL toolbox using real data from Trakstar>\r');
0012 fprintf('< The CCL is formulated in the following format:                          > \r');
0013 fprintf('< Consider the set of consistent k-dimensional constraints:               >\r');
0014 fprintf('<                  A(x)U(x) = b(x)                                        >\r');
0015 fprintf('<                      U(x) = pinv(A(x))b(x) + (I-pinv(A(x))A(x))Pi(x)    >\r');
0016 fprintf('<                      U(x) =      U_ts      +         U_ns               >\r');
0017 fprintf('< The task is defined in 2D. The constraints are either random or state   >\r');
0018 fprintf('< dependant parabola. The null space control policies are either linear   >\r');
0019 fprintf('< attractor or limit cycle. This demo will execute section by section and >\r');
0020 fprintf('< allow the user to configure the training parameters.                    >\r');
0021 fprintf('< List of sections:                                                       >\r');
0022 fprintf('< SECTION 1:       PARAMETER CONFIGURATION                                >\r');
0023 fprintf('< SECTION 2:       LEARNING NULL SPACE CONSTRAINTS                        >\r');
0024 fprintf('< Configuration options:                                                  >\r');
0025 fprintf('< Constraints:                                                            >\r');
0026 fprintf('<            State independant:                                           >\r');
0027 fprintf('<                              linear(random)                             >\r');
0028 fprintf('<              State dependant:                                           >\r');
0029 fprintf('<                              parabola                                   >\r');
0030 fprintf('< Null space policy:                                                      >\r');
0031 fprintf('<                  circular policy demonstrated by human                  >\r');
0032 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0033 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0034 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n\n\n');
0035 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0036 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0037 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0038 fprintf('< SECTION 1:       PARAMETER CONFIGURATION                                >\r');
0039 fprintf('\n< User specified configurations are:                                      >\r');
0041 ctr = 1*ones(1,3);                                              % colour for training data
0042 cte  = [0  0  0];                                               % colour for testing data
0043 settings.dim_x          = 3 ;                                   % dimensionality of the state space
0044 settings.dim_u          = 3 ;                                   % dimensionality of the action space
0045 settings.dim_r          = 3 ;                                   % dimensionality of the task space
0046 settings.dim_k          = 1 ;                                   % dimensionality of the constraint
0047 settings.dt             = 0.02;                                 % time step
0048 settings.projection = 'state_dependant';                      % {'state_independant' 'state_dependant'}
0049 settings.null_policy_type = 'circle';                           % {'circle'}
0051 fprintf('< Dim_x             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_x);
0052 fprintf('< Dim_u             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_u);
0053 fprintf('< Dim_r             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_r);
0054 fprintf('< Dim_k             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_k);
0055 fprintf('< Constraint        = %s                                                   >\r',settings.projection);
0056 fprintf('< Null_policy_type  = %s                                                   >\r',settings.null_policy_type);
0058 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0059 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0060 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0061 pause();
0063 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0064 %%                                            LEARN CONSTRAINTS                                       %%
0065 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0066 fprintf('\n\n\n<=========================================================================>\n');
0067 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0068 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0069 fprintf('< SECTION 2:       LEARNING NULL SPACE CONSTRAINTS                        >\r');
0070 fprintf('< In this section,we will start addressing state independant constraint A >\r');
0071 fprintf('< and then state dependant constraint A(x). The exploration policy will   >\r');
0072 fprintf('< change the performance of the learnt constraint                         >\r');
0073 fprintf('< The cost function to be minimised is:                                   >\r');
0074 fprintf('<                           E[A] = min(sum||A*Un||^2)                     >\n');
0075 fprintf('\n< For details please refer to:                                            >\r');
0076 fprintf('< H.-C. Lin, M. Howard, and S. Vijayakumar. IEEE International Conference >\r');
0077 fprintf('< Robotics and Automation, 2015                                           >\n');
0079 if strcmp(settings.projection,'state_independant')
0080     fprintf(1,'\n< Start learning state independant null space projection   ...            > \n');
0081     N_tr                    = 0.7;
0082     N_te                    = 0.3;
0083     options.dim_b           = 5;
0084     options.dim_r           = 3;
0085     % generating training and testing dataset
0086     fprintf('< Generating training and testingdataset for learning constraints    ...  >\r');
0087     Data = ccl_data_load('planer_circle');
0088     [ind_tr,ind_te] = dividerand(Data.N,N_tr,N_te,0) ;
0089     Xtr = Data.X(:,ind_tr);Ytr = Data.Y(:,ind_tr);
0090     Xte = Data.X(:,ind_te);Yte = Data.Y(:,ind_te);
0091     fprintf(1,'#Data (train): %5d, \r',size(Xtr,2));
0092     fprintf(1,'#Data (test): %5d, \n',size(Xte,2));
0093     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of action space: %d \n', settings.dim_u) ;
0094     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of task space:   %d \n', settings.dim_k) ;
0095     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of null space:   %d \n', settings.dim_u-settings.dim_k) ;
0096     fprintf(1,'\t Size of the training data:      %d \n', size(Xtr,2)) ;
0097     fprintf(1,'\n Learning state-independent constraint vectors  ... \n') ;
0099     model  = ccl_learna_alpha (Ytr,Xtr,options);
0100     fprintf(1,'\n Result %d \n') ;
0101     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0102     fprintf(1,'\t       |    NPOE    VPOE    UPOE\n' ) ;
0103     fprintf(1,'\t -------------------------------\n' ) ;
0104     [nPOE,vPOE,uPOE] = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model.f_proj, Xtr, Ytr) ;
0105     fprintf(1,'\t Train |  %4.2e  %4.2e  %4.2e \n',  nPOE, sum(vPOE), uPOE ) ;
0106     nPOE = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model.f_proj, Xte, Yte) ;
0107     fprintf(1,'\t Test  |  %4.2e  %4.2e  %4.2e  \n',  nPOE, sum(vPOE), uPOE ) ;
0108     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0109     figure;scatter3(Xtr(1,:),Xtr(2,:),Xtr(3,:),'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
0110         'MarkerFaceColor',ctr);hold on;
0111     scatter3(Xte(1,:),Xte(2,:),Xte(3,:),'MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
0112         'MarkerFaceColor',cte);
0113     zlim([0,1]);xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('z');title('Training (black) & Testing (white) data visualisation');
0114     for n = 1:size(Yte,2)
0115         NS_p(:,n) = model.f_proj(Xte(:,n)) * Yte(:,n) ;
0116     end
0117     figure;plot(real(NS_p(1,:)));hold on;plot(Yte(1,:)); legend('prediction','true observation');title('Prediciton VS True observation'); xlabel('Time step'); ylabel('Y1');
0118     figure;plot(real(NS_p(2,:)));hold on;plot(Yte(2,:)); legend('prediction','true observation');title('Prediciton VS True observation'); xlabel('Time step'); ylabel('Y2');
0119     figure;plot(real(NS_p(3,:)));hold on;plot(Yte(3,:)); legend('prediction','true observation');title('Prediciton VS True observation'); xlabel('Time step'); ylabel('Y3');
0120     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0121 elseif strcmp(settings.projection, 'state_dependant')
0122     fprintf(1,'\n< Start learning state dependant null space projection   ...              > \n');
0123     N_tr                    = 0.7;
0124     N_te                    = 0.3;
0125     options.dim_b           = 5;
0126     options.dim_r           = 3;
0127     % generating training dataset
0128     fprintf('< Generating training and testingdataset for learning constraints    ... >\r');
0129     Data = ccl_data_load('curve_circle');
0130     [ind_tr,ind_te] = dividerand(Data.N,N_tr,N_te,0) ;
0131     Xtr = Data.X(:,ind_tr);Ytr = Data.Y(:,ind_tr);
0132     Xte = Data.X(:,ind_te);Yte = Data.Y(:,ind_te);
0133     fprintf(1,'#Data (train): %5d, \r',size(Xtr,2));
0134     fprintf(1,'#Data (test): %5d, \n',size(Xte,2));
0135     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of action space: %d \n', settings.dim_u) ;
0136     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of task space:   %d \n', settings.dim_k) ;
0137     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of null space:   %d \n', settings.dim_u-settings.dim_k) ;
0138     fprintf(1,'\t Size of the training data:      %d \n', size(Xtr,2)) ;
0139     fprintf(1,'\n Learning state-dependent constraint vectors... \n') ;
0141     model  = ccl_learna_alpha (Ytr,Xtr,options);
0143     fprintf(1,'\n Result %d \n') ;
0144     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0145     fprintf(1,'\t       |    NPOE    VPOE    UPOE\n' ) ;
0146     fprintf(1,'\t -------------------------------\n' ) ;
0147     [nPOE,vPOE,uPOE] = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model.f_proj, Xtr, Ytr) ;
0148     fprintf(1,'\t Train |  %4.2e  %4.2e  %4.2e \n',  nPOE, sum(vPOE), uPOE ) ;
0149     nPOE = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model.f_proj, Xte, Yte) ;
0150     fprintf(1,'\t Test  |  %4.2e  %4.2e  %4.2e  \n',  nPOE, sum(vPOE), uPOE ) ;
0151     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0152     figure;scatter3(Xtr(1,:),Xtr(2,:),Xtr(3,:),'filled','MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
0153         'MarkerFaceColor',ctr);hold on;
0154     scatter3(Xte(1,:),Xte(2,:),Xte(3,:),'MarkerEdgeColor','k',...
0155         'MarkerFaceColor',cte);
0156     xlabel('x');ylabel('y');zlabel('z');title('Training (black) & Testing (white) data visualisation');
0157     for n = 1:size(Yte,2)
0158         NS_p(:,n) = model.f_proj(Xte(:,n)) * Yte(:,n) ;
0159     end
0160     figure;plot(real(NS_p(1,:)));hold on;plot(Yte(1,:)); legend(['prediction','true observation']);title('Prediciton VS True observation'); xlabel('Time step'); ylabel('Y1');
0161     figure;plot(real(NS_p(2,:)));hold on;plot(Yte(2,:)); legend(['prediction','true observation']);title('Prediciton VS True observation'); xlabel('Time step'); ylabel('Y2');
0162     figure;plot(real(NS_p(3,:)));hold on;plot(Yte(3,:)); legend(['prediction','true observation']);title('Prediciton VS True observation'); xlabel('Time step'); ylabel('Y3');
0163 end
0164 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0165 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0166 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0167 pause();
0168 close all;
0169 end

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