Home > demos > demo_2_link_arm.m





function demo_2_link_arm


 This demo demonstrates the usage of CCL library with a simulated 2-Link
 robot arm which works in x,y plane of the operaitonal space.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function demo_2_link_arm
0002 % demo_2_link_arm
0003 % This demo demonstrates the usage of CCL library with a simulated 2-Link
0004 % robot arm which works in x,y plane of the operaitonal space.
0005 clear all;clc;close all;rng('default');
0006 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0007 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0008 fprintf('<===========   Constraint Consistent Learning Library    =================>\r');
0009 fprintf('< This demo will go through a 2 link arm example to demonstrate this CCL  >\r');
0010 fprintf('< toolbox. The CCL is formulated in the following format:                 > \r');
0011 fprintf('< Consider the set of consistent k-dimensional constraints:               >\r');
0012 fprintf('<                  A(x)U(x) = b(x)   where A(x) = lamba(x)J(x)            >\r');
0013 fprintf('<                      U(x) = pinv(A(x))b(x) + (I-pinv(A(x))A(x))Pi(x)    >\r');
0014 fprintf('<                      U(x) =      U_ts      +         U_ns               >\r');
0015 fprintf('< The task is defined in 2D. The constraints are either random or state   >\r');
0016 fprintf('< dependant parabola. The null space control policies are either linear   >\r');
0017 fprintf('< attractor or limit cycle. This demo will execute section by section and >\r');
0018 fprintf('< allow the user to configure the training parameters.                    >\r');
0019 fprintf('< List of sections:                                                       >\r');
0020 fprintf('< SECTION 1:       PARAMETER CONFIGURATION                                >\r');
0021 fprintf('< SECTION 2:       LEARNING NULL SPACE COMPONENTS                         >\r');
0022 fprintf('< SECTION 3:       LEARNING NULL SPACE CONSTRAINTS                        >\r');
0023 fprintf('< SECTION 4:       LEARNING NULL SPACE POLICY                             >\r');
0024 fprintf('< Configuration options:                                                  >\r');
0025 fprintf('< Constraints:                                                            >\r');
0026 fprintf('<            State independant:                                           >\r');
0027 fprintf('<                              linear (random)                            >\r');
0028 fprintf('<              State dependant:                                           >\r');
0029 fprintf('<                              parabola                                   >\r');
0030 fprintf('< Null space policy:                                                      >\r');
0031 fprintf('<                  linear attractor                                       >\r');
0032 fprintf('< Task space policy:                                                      >\r');
0033 fprintf('<                  random                                                 >\n');
0034 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0035 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\r');
0036 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n\n\n');
0037 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0038 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0039 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0040 fprintf('< SECTION 1:       PARAMETER CONFIGURATION                                >\r');
0041 fprintf('\n< User specified configurations are:                                      >\r');
0043 settings.dim_x          = 2 ;                                   % dimensionality of the state space
0044 settings.dim_u          = 2 ;                                   % dimensionality of the action space
0045 settings.dim_r          = 2 ;                                   % dimensionality of the task space
0046 settings.dim_k          = 1 ;                                   % dimensionality of the constraint
0047 settings.dt             = 0.01 ;                                % time step
0048 settings.s2y  = .01;                                            % noise in output
0049 settings.null.alpha     = 1 ;                                   % null space policy scaling
0050 settings.null.target    = pi/180*[10, -10]';                    % null space target
0051 settings.task.target    = @(n)(randi([-2,2])*rand(1)) ;         % task space target
0052 settings.link.length    = [1, 1] ;                              % length of the robot
0053 settings.projection = 'state_dependant';                        % {'state_independant' 'state_dependant'}
0054 settings.task_policy_type = 'linear_attractor';                 % {'linear_attractor'}
0055 settings.null_policy_type = 'linear_attractor';                 % {'linear_attractor'}
0056 settings.f_n = @(q) settings.null.alpha .* (settings.null.target - q) ;
0058 J = @(q)ccl_rob_jacobian(q,settings.link.length);                       % robot jacobian
0059 settings.output.show_traj = 0 ;                                  % use 1 to display generated data
0060 settings.control_space    = 'joint';                     % control space in joint
0061 fprintf('< Dim_x             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_x);
0062 fprintf('< Dim_u             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_u);
0063 fprintf('< Dim_r             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_r);
0064 fprintf('< Dim_k             = %d                                                   >\r',settings.dim_k);
0065 fprintf('< Constraint        = %s                                                   >\r',settings.projection);
0066 fprintf('< Null_policy_type  = %s                                                   >\r',settings.null_policy_type);
0067 fprintf('< Task_policy_type  = %s                                                   >\r',settings.task_policy_type);
0068 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0069 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0070 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0071 pause();
0073 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0074 %%                              LEARN NULL SPACE COMPONENT U_n = U_ts + U_ns                          %%
0075 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0076 fprintf('\n\n\n<=========================================================================>\n');
0077 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0078 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0079 fprintf('< SECTION 2:       LEARNING NULL SPACE COMPONENTS                         >\r');
0080 fprintf('< In this section,we are trying to learn U_ns out of the observations(X,U)>\r');
0081 fprintf('< The cost function to be minimised is:                                   >\r');
0082 fprintf('<              E[Pi_ns] = sum(||P*U - Pi_ns)||.^2                         >\r');
0083 fprintf('< In order to achieve good performance, for each constraint, enough data  >\r');
0084 fprintf('< samples and model complexity are necessary                              >\n');
0085 fprintf('\n< For details please refer to:                                            >\r');
0086 fprintf('< Towell, M. Howard, and S. Vijayakumar. IEEE International Conference    >\r');
0087 fprintf('< Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2010.                                   >\n');
0088 fprintf(1,'\n< Start learning Null space component  ...                                > \r');
0089 settings.dim_exp        = 1 ;                                         % number of experiment to repeat
0090 settings.dim_n          = 40 ;                                        % number of steps in each trajactory
0091 settings.nTraj          = 40 ;                                        % number of trajectories
0092 settings.grid_on        = 0  ;
0093 settings.learn_nc       = 1  ;
0094 model = [];
0095 for i = 1:settings.dim_exp
0096 %     fix = [0,1] ;
0097 %     settings.lambda = lambda;
0098     settings.fix_joint = 1;
0099     model.num_basis = 100 ;                                           % define the number of radial basis functions
0101     fprintf(1,'\n Experiment %d \n', i) ;
0102     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of kernel:       %d \n', model.num_basis) ;
0103     fprintf(1,'\t Number of trajectories:       %d \n', settings.nTraj) ;
0104     fprintf(1,'\t Number of time steps in each trajectory:       %d \n', settings.dim_n) ;
0106     fprintf('\n< Generating training dataset for learning null space components  ...     >\r');
0107     Dtr = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0108     Xtr = Dtr.X ; Ytr = Dtr.U ; TStr = Dtr.TS ; NStr = Dtr.NS ; Ftr = Dtr.F ;
0109     fprintf(1,'#Data (train): %5d, \r',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0110     fprintf('< Generating testing dataset for learning null space components   ...     >\n');
0111     Dte = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0112     Xte = Dte.X ; Yte = Dte.U ; TSte = Dtr.TS ; NSte = Dte.NS ; Fte = Dte.F ;
0113     fprintf(1,'#Data (test): %5d, \n',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0115     % set up the radial basis functions
0116     model.c     = ccl_math_gc (Xtr, model.num_basis) ;      % generate a grid of basis functions
0117     model.s2    = mean(mean(sqrt(ccl_math_distances(model.c, model.c))))^2 ;   % set the variance as the mean distance between centres
0118     model.phi   = @(x)ccl_basis_rbf ( x, model.c, model.s2 );      % normalised Gaussian rbfs
0120     % learn the nullspace component
0121     model       = ccl_learnv_ncl (Xtr, Ytr, model) ;                       % learn the model
0122     f_ncl       = @(x) ccl_learnv_pred_ncl ( model, x ) ;                     % set up an inference function
0124     % predict nullspace components
0125     NSptr = f_ncl (Xtr) ;
0126     NSpte = f_ncl (Xte) ;
0128     % calculate errors
0129     NUPEtr = ccl_error_nupe(NStr, NSptr) ;
0130     NUPEte = ccl_error_nupe(NSte, NSpte) ;
0131     YNSptr = ccl_error_npe (Ytr,  NSptr) ;
0132     YNSpte = ccl_error_npe (Yte,  NSpte) ;
0133     fprintf(1,'NUPE (train) = %5.3e, ', NUPEtr);
0134     fprintf(1,'NNPE (train) = %5.3e, ', YNSptr);
0135     fprintf(1,'\n');
0136     fprintf(1,'NUPE (test)  = %5.3e, ', NUPEte);
0137     fprintf(1,'NNPE (test)  = %5.3e, ', YNSpte);
0138     fprintf(1,'\n');
0139     fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0140     fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0141     fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0142 end
0143 pause();
0145 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0146 %%                                            LEARN CONSTRAINTS                                       %%
0147 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0148 fprintf('\n\n\n<=========================================================================>\n');
0149 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0150 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0151 fprintf('< SECTION 3:       LEARNING NULL SPACE CONSTRAINTS                        >\r');
0152 fprintf('< In this section,we will start addressing state independant constraint A >\r');
0153 fprintf('< and state dependant constraint A(x). The exploration policy will change >\r');
0154 fprintf('< change the performance of the learnt constraint                         >\r');
0155 fprintf('< The cost function to be minimised is:                                   >\r');
0156 fprintf('<                           E[A] = min(sum||A*Un||^2)                     >\n');
0157 fprintf('\n< For details please refer to:                                            >\r');
0158 fprintf('< H.-C. Lin, M. Howard, and S. Vijayakumar. IEEE International Conference >\r');
0159 fprintf('< Robotics and Automation, 2015                                           >\n');
0160 settings.dim_b          = 10 ;                          % dimensionality of the kernal
0161 settings.dim_n          = 40 ;                          % number of steps in each trajactory
0162 settings.nTraj          = 40 ;                          % number of trajectories
0163 settings.dim_exp        = 1  ;                          % number of experiment to repeat
0164 settings.task_policy_type = ' ';
0165 settings.learn_nc       = 0  ;
0166 settings.learn_lambda   = 1  ;
0167 for i = 1:settings.dim_exp
0168     if strcmp(settings.projection, 'state_independant')
0169         settings.lambda = orth( rand(2, 1) )';      
0170         fprintf(1,'\n< Start learning state independant null space projection   ...            > \n');
0171         % set up a random constraint
0172         fprintf('\n< Generating training dataset for learning constraints    ...             >\r');
0173         Dtr = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0174         fprintf(1,'#Data (train): %5d, \r',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0175         fprintf('< Generating testing dataset for learning constraints     ...             >\r');
0176         Dte = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0177         fprintf(1,'#Data (test): %5d, \n',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0179     elseif strcmp(settings.projection, 'state_dependant')
0180         settings.lambda = @(q)ccl_learna_retlambda(q,settings.link.length);
0181         fprintf(1,'\n< Start learning state dependant null space projection   ...              > \n');
0182         fprintf('\n< Generating training dataset for learning constraints    ...             >\r');
0183         Dtr = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0184         fprintf(1,'#Data (train): %5d, \r',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0185         fprintf('< Generating testing dataset for learning constraints     ...             >\r');
0186         Dte = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0187         fprintf(1,'#Data (test): %5d, \n',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0189     end
0190     %% generate training and testing data
0191     Xtr = Dtr.X ; Ytr = Dtr.U ; TStr = Dtr.TS ; NStr = Dtr.NS ; Ftr = Dtr.F ;
0192     Xte = Dte.X ; Yte = Dte.U ; TSte = Dtr.TS ; NSte = Dte.NS ; Fte = Dte.F ;
0194     fprintf(1,'\n Experiment %d \n', i) ;
0195     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of kernel:       %d \n', settings.dim_b) ;
0196     fprintf(1,'\t Number of trajectories:       %d \n', settings.nTraj) ;
0197     fprintf(1,'\t Number of time steps in each trajectory:       %d \n', settings.dim_n) ;
0199     %% learn alpha (constraint vector) for problem with unknown Jacobian
0200     fprintf(1,'\n Learning state-dependent constraint vectors withiout prior knowledge ... >\r') ;
0201     model_alpha_ccl  = ccl_learna_alpha (NStr, Xtr, settings);
0202     ppe.alpha_ccl.tr = ccl_error_ppe_alpha (model_alpha_ccl.f_proj, Xtr, Ftr, NStr) ;
0203     ppe.alpha_ccl.te = ccl_error_ppe_alpha (model_alpha_ccl.f_proj, Xte, Fte, NSte) ;
0204     poe.alpha_ccl.tr = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model_alpha_ccl.f_proj, Xtr, NStr) ;
0205     poe.alpha_ccl.te = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model_alpha_ccl.f_proj, Xte, NSte) ;
0207     fprintf(1,'\n Result learn alpha %d \n', i ) ;
0208     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0209     fprintf(1,'\t       |    NPPE   |   NPOE \n' ) ;
0210     fprintf(1,'\t -------------------------------\n' ) ;
0211     fprintf(1,'\t Train |  %4.2e | %4.2e  \n', ppe.alpha_ccl.tr,  poe.alpha_ccl.tr ) ;
0212     fprintf(1,'\t Test  |  %4.2e | %4.2e  \n', ppe.alpha_ccl.te,  poe.alpha_ccl.te ) ;
0213     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0215     %% learn alpha (constraint vector) for problem with known Jacobian
0216     fprintf(1,'\n Learning state-dependent constraint vectors with prior knowledge ...    >\r') ;
0217     model_lambda_ccl  = ccl_learna_lambda (NStr, Xtr, J, settings);
0218     ppe.lambda_ccl.tr = ccl_error_ppe_alpha (model_lambda_ccl.f_proj, Xtr, Ftr, NStr) ;
0219     ppe.lambda_ccl.te = ccl_error_ppe_alpha (model_lambda_ccl.f_proj, Xte, Fte, NSte) ;
0220     poe.lambda_ccl.tr = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model_lambda_ccl.f_proj, Xtr, NStr) ;
0221     poe.lambda_ccl.te = ccl_error_poe_alpha (model_lambda_ccl.f_proj, Xte, NSte) ;
0223     fprintf(1,'\n Result learn lambda %d \n', i ) ;
0224     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0225     fprintf(1,'\t       |    NPPE   |   NPOE \n' ) ;
0226     fprintf(1,'\t -------------------------------\n' ) ;
0227     fprintf(1,'\t Train |  %4.2e | %4.2e  \n', ppe.lambda_ccl.tr,  poe.lambda_ccl.tr ) ;
0228     fprintf(1,'\t Test  |  %4.2e | %4.2e  \n', ppe.lambda_ccl.te,  poe.lambda_ccl.te ) ;
0229     fprintf(1,'\t ===============================\n' ) ;
0231     %% visualisation of the constraint
0232     ccl_rob_vis_sbs (settings,model_lambda_ccl.f_proj)
0234 end
0235 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0236 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0237 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0238 pause();
0239 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0240 %%                              LEARN PARAMETRIC NULL SPACE POLICY MODEL                              %%
0241 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0242 %% Learn null space policy %%
0243 fprintf('\n\n\n<=========================================================================>\n');
0244 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0245 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0246 fprintf('< SECTION 4:       LEARNING NULL SPACE POLICY                             >\r');
0247 fprintf('< This section is for learning null space policy models. The methods we   >\r');
0248 fprintf('< use are parametric model and locally weighted parametric model          >\r');
0249 fprintf('< The cost function to be minimised is:                                   >\r');
0250 fprintf('<                  E[Pi] = min(sum||U_ns - U_ns^2*Pi||^2)                 >\r');
0251 fprintf('< To achiev a better unconstrained null space policy, more constraints    >\r');
0252 fprintf('< need to be demonstrated in the training dataset                         >\n');
0253 fprintf('\n< For details please refer to:                                            >\r');
0254 fprintf('< Howard, Matthew, et al. "A novel method for learning policies from      >\r');
0255 fprintf('< variable constraint data." Autonomous Robots 27.2 (2009): 105-121.      >\n');
0256 fprintf('\n< Start learning null space policy   ...                                 > \n');
0257 Dtr     = [];
0258 Dte     = [];
0259 settings.dim_n          = 40 ;  % number of steps in each trajactory
0260 settings.nTraj          = 40 ;  % number of trajectories
0261 model.dim_b             = 25;   % dimensionality of the kernal
0262 settings.dim_exp        = 1;
0263 settings.learn_pi       = 1  ;
0264 if strcmp(settings.projection, 'state_independant')
0265     settings.A = @(q)(orth( rand(2, 1) )' * ccl_rob_jacobian (q, settings.link.length));
0266 elseif strcmp(settings.projection, 'state_dependant')
0267     lambda = @(q)ccl_learna_retlambda(q,settings.link.length,2);
0268     settings.A = @(q)(lambda(q) * ccl_rob_jacobian (q, settings.link.length));
0269 end
0271 for i = 1:settings.dim_exp
0272     fprintf('\n< Generating training dataset for learning null space constraints  ...    >\n');
0273     Dtr = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0274     fprintf(1,'#Data (train): %5d, \r',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0275     fprintf('\n< Generating testing dataset for learning null space constraints   ...    >\n');
0276     Dte = ccl_data_gen (settings) ;
0277     fprintf(1,'#Data (test): %5d, \n',settings.dim_n*settings.nTraj);
0278     Xtr = Dtr.X ; Ytr = Dtr.U ; TStr = Dtr.TS ; NStr = Dtr.NS ; Ftr = Dtr.F ; Ptr = Dtr.P;
0279     Xte = Dte.X ; Yte = Dte.U ; TSte = Dtr.TS ; NSte = Dte.NS ; Fte = Dte.F ; Pte = Dte.P;
0280     fprintf(1,'\n Experiment %d \n', i) ;
0281     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of kernel:       %d \n', settings.dim_b) ;
0282     fprintf(1,'\t Number of trajectories:       %d \n', settings.nTraj) ;
0283     fprintf(1,'\t Number of time steps in each trajectory:       %d \n', settings.dim_n) ;
0285     % set up the radial basis functions
0286     model.c     = ccl_math_gc (Xtr, model.dim_b) ;      % generate a grid of basis functions
0287     model.s2    = mean(mean(sqrt(ccl_math_distances(model.c, model.c))))^2 ;   % set the variance as the mean distance between centres
0288     model.phi   = @(x)ccl_basis_rbf ( x, model.c, model.s2 );      % normalised Gaussian rbfs
0290     % train parametric model
0291     model = ccl_learnp_pi(Xtr,NStr,model); fp = @(x)ccl_learnp_pred_linear(x,model);
0293     % predict training data
0294     Fptr = fp(Xtr);
0296     % compute training error
0297     NUPEtr = ccl_error_nupe(Ftr,Fptr);
0298     fprintf(1,'NUPE (train) = %5.3e, ',NUPEtr);
0299     NCPEtr = ccl_error_ncpe(NStr,Fptr,Ptr);
0300     fprintf(1,'NCPE (train) = %5.3e, ',NCPEtr);
0302     % predict test data
0303     Fpte = fp(Xte);
0305     % compute test error
0306     NUPEte = ccl_error_nupe(Fte,Fpte);
0307     fprintf(1,'NUPE (test) = %5.3e, ',NUPEte);
0308     NCPEte = ccl_error_ncpe(NSte,Fpte,Pte);
0309     fprintf(1,'NCPE (test) = %5.3e',NCPEte);
0310     fprintf(1,'\n');
0311 end
0312 pause();
0313 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0314 %%                              LEARN LOCALLY WEIGHTED LINEAR POLICY MODEL                            %%
0315 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0316 fprintf(1,'\n< Start learning Null space policy with locally weighted  model   ...     > \n');
0317 model   = [];
0318 Dtr     = [];
0319 Dte     = [];
0320 model.dim_b = 25;
0321 settings.dim_exp = 1;
0323 for i = 1:settings.dim_exp
0324     fprintf(1,'\n Experiment %d \n', i) ;
0325     fprintf(1,'\t Dimensionality of kernel:       %d \n', settings.dim_b) ;
0326     fprintf(1,'\t Number of trajectories:       %d \n', settings.nTraj) ;
0327     fprintf(1,'\t Number of time steps in each trajectory:       %d \n', settings.dim_n) ;
0328     % set up the radial basis functions
0329     model.c     = ccl_math_gc (Xtr, model.dim_b) ;          % generate a grid of basis functions
0330     model.s2    = mean(mean(sqrt(ccl_math_distances(model.c, model.c))))^2 ;   % set the variance as the mean distance between centres
0331     model.phi   = @(x)ccl_basis_rbf( x, model.c, model.s2 );      % normalised Gaussian rbfs
0333     model.W   = @(x)ccl_basis_rbf( x, model.c, model.s2 );
0334     model.phi = @(x)ccl_basis_linear( x );
0335     %model.phi = @(x)phi_gaussian_rbf ( x, model.c, model.s2 );
0337     % train the model
0338     model = ccl_learnp_lwpi(Xtr,NStr,model); fp = @(x)ccl_learnp_pred_lwlinear(x,model);
0340     % predict training data
0341     Fptr = fp(Xtr);
0343     % compute training error
0344     NUPEtr = ccl_error_nupe(Ftr,Fptr);
0345     fprintf(1,'NUPE (train) = %5.3e, ',NUPEtr);
0346     NCPEtr = ccl_error_ncpe(NStr,Fptr,Ptr);
0347     fprintf(1,'NCPE (train) = %5.3e, ',NCPEtr);
0349     % predict test data
0350     Fpte = fp(Xte);
0352     % compute test error
0353     NUPEte = ccl_error_nupe(Fte,Fpte);
0354     fprintf(1,'NUPE (test) = %5.3e, ',NUPEte);
0355     NCPEte = ccl_error_ncpe(NSte,Fpte,Pte);
0356     fprintf(1,'NCPE (test) = %5.3e',NCPEte);
0357     fprintf(1,'\n');
0358 end
0359 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0360 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0361 fprintf('<=========================================================================>\n');
0362 pause();
0363 close all;
0364 end

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