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P Sollich. Probabilistic methods for Support Vector Machines. In S A Solla, T K Leen and K-R Müller, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12, pages 349-355, Cambridge, MA, 2000. MIT Press.
Abstract and full paper

D Barber and P Sollich. Gaussian fields for approximate inference in layered sigmoid belief networks. In S A Solla, T K Leen and K-R Müller, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12, pages 393-399, Cambridge, MA, 2000. MIT Press.
Abstract and full paper

S M Fielding, P Sollich and M E Cates. Ageing and rheology in soft materials. Journal of Rheology, 44:323-369, 2000.
Abstract and full paper

H Nishimori and P Sollich. Spin states and entropy of Ising spin glasses. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69:A160-A164, 2000.
Abstract and full paper

N Clarke, J A Cuesta, R Sear, P Sollich and A Speranza. Phase equilibria in the polydisperse Zwanzig model of hard rods. Journal of Chemical Physics, 113:5817-5829, 2000.
Abstract and full paper

P Sollich, H Nishimori, A C C Coolen and A J van der Sijs. Nontrivial phase behaviour in the infinite-range quantum Mattis model. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69:3200-3213, 2000.
Abstract and full paper

Last updated Mon Oct 17 2016
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